The Golan Heights and the Hermon - Givat Yoav - VilaVillas with open view with private heated pool's
An infinity pool that seems to spill into the Sea of Galilee, 5 spacious rooms and a space that dreams are made of - Hodola is a masterpiece with a breathtaking view.
Vilea Villa
Sea of Galilee Area - Migdal - VilaVillas with open view with private heated pool's
A modern villa facing a wild landscape with a private pool, and lots of options for entertainment for the whole family - and the bonus? A 5-minute drive and you're in the Sea of Galilee
Habayit Behazon
Upper Galilee - Hazon - VilaVillas with open view with private heated pool's
The house in Chazon is actually a kind of mansion - a large and well-designed villa on the side of a mountain with 6 bedrooms, full of style, with a private pool and no less than two spa jacuzzis - and that's even before we talked about the view that opens all the chakras
Ahuzat Ron Bagalil
Western Galilee - Ein Ya'akov - VilaVillas with open view with private heated pool's
There are many places that boast the title "mansion", but the Ron Manor in the Galilee is literally the dictionary definition of this luxurious term - luxurious, high-quality, designed in a crazy style, overlooking the sea and a mountainous and green landscape and offers a huge space and the highest level of pampering to its guests. In other words - the dream estate for a family vacation that you will remember for many years to come.
Ahuzat Geshen
Sea of Galilee Area - Kalanit - Villas with open view with private heated pool's
A luxurious villa with 6 bedrooms, a private pool that sits on the landscape, and an architectural design that you can't stop admiring - at Goshen Mansion you will have a vacation with an impressive presence
Ahuzat Nataly
Upper Galilee - Dishon - VilaVillas with open view with private heated pool's
This is a well-invested and pleasant villa that can host up to 12 people (adults and children) or just couples in the complex. The design is clean, inviting and of high quality, the attention to cleanliness and the hosts who manage to appeal to a quality target audience - make the place an interesting and good choice, in a prestigious rural location in front of the Galilee ridges.
Malchi House | Ahuzat Nofesh
Western Galilee - Lapidot - B&BVillas with open view with private heated pool's
..."A tested recipe for a vacation in the Galilee: a Galilean view of a mountain and a deep green forest, an open sky to a spectacular sunset, silence, great air and a crystal clear pool. However, a lot of luxury and attention to every detail and every aspect of every moment of the day: in meals, in sleep and in leisure"... [From the website reviewer, Michal .S.]
Room Amirim
Upper Galilee - Amirim - VilaVillas with open view with private heated pool's
A beautiful complex full of space and privacy, with an impressive architectural design. The complex contains a luxurious villa with a heated infinity pool, and two double wellness suites with private pools and spa jacuzzis. A vacation here exudes rustic luxury, one that combines pampering and style at the highest levels, facing the wild landscape overlooking the Sea of Galilee and the Golan Heights.
Maiori Boutique
Upper Galilee - Mishmar Jordan - VilaVillas with open view with private heated pool's
A beautiful villa located in an amazing location, offering a private spa complex and 500 square meters of pampering in a rustic design and endless views.
Al Hakatse
Western Galilee - Shtula - B&BVillas with open view with private heated pool's
..."דמיינו מתחם שבו העשיה מעולם לא נפסקת. כלומר- גם אחרי שהמקום נבנה ונפתח לקהל, ישנם מארח שבמו ידיו ממשיך, על בסיס יומיומי, לפתח את המתחם- את השבילים, את הנוי, את האבזור, את הירוק והחום והכחול ושוב את הירוק ולא מפסיק לרגע לצייר על החלקה הזו משום שזו בעצם היצירה המתמשכת שלו, היצירה של חייו.אדם כזה נמצא בתחום הנופש לא כי זה רווחי, או כי זה היה החלום שלו. הוא שם כי הוא מתייחס אל המקום כמו אמן שתמיד ימצא איך לשפר את יצירתו. וכזה הוא מתחם "על הקצה": היצירה של מאיר..."[מתוך דבר המבקר, אור בן ברק]
Villa J
Sea of Galilee Area - Migdal - VilaVillas with open view with private heated pool's
A huge and luxurious villa, a huge swimming pool and plenty of indulgences - and all this in front of the Sea of Galilee that stretches across the street. Villa J redefines the hospitality standard
Habayit Ba'agam
Upper Galilee - Dalton - Villas with open view with private heated pool's
In front of a small lake, in the atmosphere of an isolated village across the sea, stands the "House in the Lake" - three luxury suites for a pampering stay. If you are looking for the perfect location for a vacation for couples, friends or family, congratulations - you have found it.
Ahuza Al HaMayim
Western Galilee - Shomera - VilaVillas with open view with private heated pool's
When you think of a perfect family vacation, what do you imagine? A large villa with a luxurious pool? An open view that fills the batteries? A small garden for children to let off some energy? All these and more you can find in the mansion on the water, a four-bedroom villa that is ideally designed for family vacations.
HaBayit HaChom
Arava - Sapir - Villas with open view with private heated pool's
The "Brown House" is a colorful and elaborate guest house, striking in its view and super special atmosphere - the brown house in Sapir in the Arava is the dream of every Instagram user. The furniture is recycled and super vintage, the concept is ecological and the experience is desert like the poet intended.
Bayn Ha'Etzim
Western Galilee - Yaara - VilaVillas with open view with private heated pool's
A private, covered and heated pool, a view of green trees and thinking about all the small details - "Among the Trees" is an excellent option for a solidifying family vacation
Victoria Villa
Upper Galilee - Kalanit - VilaVillas with open view with private heated pool's
An architecturally designed villa with 6 bedrooms, an open and green view, one large pool and another stream pool that functions as a huge jacuzzi - in Villa Victoria you will celebrate the good life
Pastel Villa
Carmel Beach - Dalit al-Carmel - VilaVillas with open view with private heated pool's
A dreamy villa overlooking the view of the Carmel mountains and the sea, with a large pool and an excellent location for trips not far from Haifa - meet Pastel Villa
Capeland-a Galilean Experience in Matat
Western Galilee - Matat - VilaVillas with open view with private heated pool's
..."פעם בכמה חודשים בא לי לעזוב את העיר, לקחת את אישתי וללכת לחיות בטבע. לא בסביבה "טבעית" עם כמה עצי פרי ומדשאה אלא ממש בטבע… כמו פעם כשהיינו ציידים-לקטים. על צלע הר, בתוך חורש טבעי ולמטה ערוץ שמתמלא במי גשם. הרי בתכל'ס מה אנחנו צריכים? אוהל שיגן מהגשם, עצים לצל, מזרון שטח וקצת אוכל.אז זהו… שלא! אחרי בדיוק שעה של פנטוז הפאניקה תוקפת אותי. אבל איך?! מה עם המיטה? הסרטים? המטבח? רמת החיים? אז נכון, טבע זה אחלה אבל שווה באמת לוותר על הכל?..."[מתוך דבר המבקר, אלון שוורצמן]יתרונות וחסרונות- סקירה מהשטחאז כאן נכנסת "קפלנד" לתמונה עם התשובה האולטימטיבית: קחו את המיקום שהוא באמת באמת בתוך הטבע, עם שבילי האבן הפראית, החורש הירוק והשמיים האינסופיים ושימו בתוכו את אחד המתחמים היותר יפים, איכותיים, "מתוקתקים" ומפנקים שאתם יכולים לדמיין. השילוב הזה הוא פשוט מטורף וגורם לי להרגיש שאני, את החלום שלי, מצאתי כאן. המתחם המיוחד הזה מכיל בית נופש ענק, ושתי סוויטות אותן ניתן לשכור לחוד, או כקומפלקס המתאים לזוגות חברים או משפחה מורחבת.
Yarok Zayit
Gilboa - Kfar Yehezkel - VilaVillas with open view with private heated pool's
"Yirok Zeit is a complex that expresses the best of all worlds: the rural vacation - right in front of a pastoral olive grove, quietly, calmly and in the good air, and on the other hand - the luxurious vacation - with an endless list of accessories, and with a design full of character, pleasant and high-quality that speaks of the great investment that has been made here. Take for example the charming patio in "Mashul Kerem": it is a real gem with a private pool, seating areas, and abundant vegetation hanging on Wood and bamboo walls. You'll likely spend a lot of time in this cozy space, and that's exactly what the owners intended..." [From the words of the critic, Liza Amoyel] Advantages and disadvantages - a review from the field There are 2 beautiful suites here: a large one with 2 bedrooms and a romantic double one. They express the good taste of Roit, the hostess, who knows how to combine modern elegant design with a lively rustic design, and the talent of her husband, Kfir, an original inspired ironsmith, whose works are "planted" nobly inside and outside. Kafir is also responsible for the construction of the light-filled complex, which has high ceilings with wooden and metal beams. And if you are curious and take a look at his workshop located at the entrance to the complex, you will discover a challenging structure that would surely tempt any avant-garde film director.
Villa Balfour
Arava - Eilat - VilaVillas with open view with private heated pool's
A huge private pool, unique interior design in a tropical atmosphere, and one of the highest service levels we've encountered - Villa Balfour is one of the most eclectic and special villas we've seen
Western Galilee - Kfar Varedim - VilaVillas with open view with private heated pool's
On the one hand the atmosphere of a home, on the other hand all the possible indulgences - Osantha's house is the ultimate place for vacations with the people you love
Love Villa
Western Galilee - Ein Ya'akov - VilaVillas with open view with private heated pool's
This is a private kingdom, well-secluded, wonderfully designed and equipped, constructed to fulfil your wildest dreams. The large building has a joint hall and two elegant bedrooms, and right next to them, a heated swimming pool facing the view of the north.
The outside area has a huge Jacuzzi Spa, a dry sauna and bbq corner. There are also two extra rooms on the lower level, for additional couples or pairs of couples. However, if you prefer an intimate vacation without intruders, Love Villa will open its gates midweek for single couples or two couples - at truly reasonable prices.
Casa Royale
Western Galilee - Shomera - VilaVillas with open view with private heated pool's
An especially large villa with attractions for all ages - a water slide, a climbing wall and a soccer field are just some of the things we found here
Ahuzat Orpaz
Western Galilee - Zareit - VilaVillas with open view with private heated pool's
A villa on one level with 7 bedrooms, an outdoor complex overlooking a panoramic view, a heated pool and a private jacuzzi - Orpaz Mansion is an excellent option for your next family vacation
Villa La Vida
Sea of Galilee Area - Migdal - VilaVillas with open view with private heated pool's
Two luxury villas with a lot of spice, full of pampering facilities, and close to many attractions - at La Vida Villas, a winning vacation awaits you in an excellent location
Ahuzat Boutique Itamar
Western Galilee - Meona - Villas with open view with private heated pool's
In one of the small moshavs in the Western Galilee hides a pampering estate for the whole family - heated pools, jacuzzi spa, lots of privacy and an excellent location for going on trips
Ahuzat Hayeruslamit Bagalil
Western Galilee - Manot - Villas with open view with private heated pool's
A luxurious boutique mansion for hosting couples and families, impressive and well-equipped spaces, and a beautiful and pampering outdoor complex that blends amazingly with the surrounding landscape - in the Jerusalem mansion you celebrate life
Ahuzat Adama
Upper Galilee - Dalton - VilaVillas with open view with private heated pool's
A luxurious villa with a design that combines Jaffa and the Galilee, a private pool facing an open view and lots of space inside and out - Villa Adama in Dalton is a pampering promise
Nof Moledet
Upper Galilee - Rosh Pina - VilaVillas with open view with private heated pool's
Complete privacy in front of an open Galilean view, and a large, inviting and pampering space - Nof Molad is a quality option for a family vacation in any season
Omer BaGalil
Western Galilee - Even Menahem - VilaVillas with open view with private heated pool's
First line to a mesmerizing mountain view, a pool and a pampering spa jacuzzi - the villa and the two suites of Amor are an excellent choice for families and couples who come to enjoy together
Ahuzat Albani
Western Galilee - Ein Ya'akov - VilaVillas with open view with private heated pool's
..."b This is definitely not a standard B&B. A couple who arrives here will have at their disposal a spacious, luxurious and well-designed structure that offers an uncompromising approach to hospitality. This is a perfect place for special romantic events: the hostess knows how to tell about marriage proposals, honeymoons and quite a few anniversaries that have been celebrated here and gives the impression that this place is especially suitable for this: a large and comfortable living room with luxurious furniture, a modern well-equipped kitchen, an indoor swimming pool, a spa jacuzzi - and not least - Sea view... " [From the words of the critic, Alon Schwartzman] Advantages and disadvantages - a review from the field So it's true, it's not a particularly cheap complex, but those who know how to appreciate quality get a good value for their money. A close examination of the materials revealed that they are of the highest scale, and this quality radiates at every corner: starting with the furniture of the bedrooms, the beautiful curtains, the bold design of the kitchen - and ending with the beauty of the outdoor complex adjacent to the villa. The smart architectural design opens the building to the view (from the head of the Nakra to the Western Galilee), which completes the special feeling that exists here.
Yigal Boutique Estate
Western Galilee - Avdo - VilaVillas with open view with private heated pool's
In front of a green and open landscape, with a heated pool and a large jacuzzi, six bedrooms and facilities for children - Yigal Estate is everything you need for a successful and pampering family vacation
Western Galilee - Ein Ya'akov - VilaVillas with open view with private heated pool's
A luxurious villa that meets a gorgeous hill view, a beautiful pool and endless pampering - at Cartier we serve you a branded vacation
View Kinneret
Upper Galilee - Nof Kinneret - VilaVillas with open view with private heated pool's
A homely and pleasant villa with a view of the Sea of Galilee, a private heated indoor pool, and an atmosphere suitable for a pastoral and relaxing family vacation
Avir Harim
Western Galilee - Shomera - B&BVillas with open view with private heated pool's
These prestigious B&B vacation rentals, Avir Harim, offer their guests an abundance of rare quality and particular luxury: full seclusion; a large private swimming pool for each couple; spacious and gorgeous gardens; a panoramic view of the Galilee mountains and the Livnon, the pleasures of a large Jacuzze spa, and lovely, warm hospitality. For nature lovers - luxury at the edge of the world.
HaSuitot HaOsher
Upper Galilee - Dalton - Villas with open view with private heated pool's
A new and spacious suite in a rural atmosphere with a green view, and hosts who will do everything to give you a peaceful and pampering vacation.
Raphael Estate
Western Galilee - Even Menahem - Villas with open view with private heated pool's
Ahuzat Raphael was created to bring us closer to luxurious Europe - when the well-used cliches "chic" and "classic" become facts that make all want to change their Levi jeans wearers to Roberto tuxedos and evening gowns. To this posh atmosphere of sophistication and splendour, add magnificent views (Israeli ones but no less beautiful than those of Province and the Riviera) and you get a vacation rental of a new type - elitist, with an aristrocratic flavor. Did we mention the private, heated private swimming pool?
Villa Nof Latsuk
Western Galilee - Goren - VilaVillas with open view with private heated pool's
A villa with seven bedrooms, a private pool and jacuzzi sitting on the open landscape, and a rich outdoor area for quality time together - a villa on the landscape is all you need for a vacation that fills the batteries
La Vista
Sea of Galilee Area - Kinneret (the colony) - VilaVillas with open view with private heated pool's
"... זה קורה לכולם. האורחים פשוט נשאבים ישר אל הנוף ונשארים פה פעור" הבהירה ויקי, המארחת המקסימה של וילה לה ויסטה. ובכן, לעולם הכנרת לא נראתה כל כך קרובה וכל כך יפה, ועדיין, עם כל ההתרגשות הזאת, גם הבריכה הענקית (המחוממת) על ה"דק" המטופח היא מראה אדיר. פנים הווילה הקסים והרשים אותי לא פחות…"[מתוך דבר מבקרת האתר, ליזה אמויאל]יתרונות וחסרונות- סקירה מהשטחוילה לה ויסטה עומדת במקום הגבוה ביותר במושבה כנרת, ובמרחק מכובד מהווילות השכנות. היא צופה לאגם הגלילי, חבל הגלעד והר החרמון. הישוב עצמו מקסים ושורשי: מושבת כנרת נוסדה ב-1908 וניתן עדיין להבחין בבתי המייסדים, הבנויים מאבני הבזלת האופייניים לאזור. יש מסביב שפע אטרקציות, אתרי בילוי וטיולים, מוזיאונים וגלריות לאמנות מקומית.
Villa La Tokyo
Upper Galilee - Nof Kinneret - VilaVillas with open view with private heated pool's
Villa La Tokyo is an excellent option for family fun. The great advantage of the villa is its spacious shared spaces, where you can indulge in fun in the pool or spa jacuzzi or table games
Ahuzat Yasmin
Upper Galilee - Rosh Pina - Villas with open view with private heated pool's
A boutique hotel hidden in a Jerusalem stone mansion, with five luxurious suites, a well-kept courtyard with a pool that flows into the landscape, and endless pampering for body and soul
Jacob's Boutique
Western Galilee - Yaara - VilaVillas with open view with private heated pool's
Jacobs Boutique is a pleasant and well-maintained villa that offers pampering amenities and fun spaces to spend quality time together
Western Galilee - Ein Ya'akov - Villas with open view with private heated pool's
A meticulous suite with a luxurious outdoor complex, a private pool and spa jacuzzis, and all this in front of a breathtaking view - Fabergé is an exciting meeting between supreme indulgence and wild nature
Effendi Estate
Western Galilee - Yaara - VilaVillas with open view with private heated pool's
A spacious villa spread over two levels, with an elaborate and luxurious outdoor complex facing a spectacular view - if you were looking for a place for family time together or to celebrate a special event, you can stop looking
Ketamar Yifrah Boutique Estate
Western Galilee - Yaara - VilaVillas with open view with private heated pool's
The owners of the boutique hotel Ketamar Tifrach take you seriously. Four elegant suites fulfill the wildest, grandiose fantasy of Israeli vacationing: a giant (50 meter) private swimming pool for each couple, a huge Jacuzzi Spa in some of the suites, a private, dry sauna, a giant, adjustable bed (200 x 240!) and a breathtaking view. And these are only some of the things you'll find here...
Villa Ahava Galilit
Upper Galilee - Amirim - VilaVillas with open view with private heated pool's
Three separate accommodation units built of Galilit stone, close to the natural forest, and full of atmosphere - Ahava Galilit Villa is a place to pamper yourself with the whole family
Simon Royale
Western Galilee - Yaara - VilaVillas with open view with private heated pool's
A luxurious villa with 8 luxurious rooms, an outdoor complex full of space, and a pool and jacuzzi that look like from a movie - at Simon Royal they created an impressive and surprising hospitality experience in the heart of the moshav
Villa Island Resort
Western Galilee - Avdo - VilaVillas with open view with private heated pool's
A spacious villa with two separate suites, an outdoor complex with a pool and spa jacuzzi, and a feeling of a pastoral vacation in the village - Villa Island is a good choice for those who do not want to leave the villa
Ahuzat Nof Margaliyot
Upper Galilee - Margaliot - VilaVillas with open view with private heated pool's
An amazing view of Hermon (especially when it snows), clear mountain air and a heated pool all year round - at Nof Margaliot Villa you are taken care of from all directions
Villat Hayotser
Western Galilee - Yaara - VilaVillas with open view with private heated pool's
A villa with an unusual artistic twist, 4 bedrooms with private bathrooms, and a heated and pampering pool in front of an amazing view - there is no doubt that this is a creation that put a lot of thought into it
Habayit Shel Yosef
Upper Galilee - Safsufa - Kfar Hoshan - VilaVillas with open view with private heated pool's
A designed complex with complete privacy, a private heated pool, facilities for children and an amazing view of Mount Miron - Yosef's house is an excellent complex for quality family time
Penthouse Nof Shamayim
Arava - Eilat - Villas with open view with private heated pool's
Heated pool, mountain and sea view, dreamy balcony and 7 luxurious bedrooms - Sky View is a luxurious option for a family vacation in Eilat
Ahuzat Naftali
Upper Galilee - Ramot Naftali - Villas with open view with private heated pool's
An impressive country estate in American style, a private pool facing the view of the Golan Mountains and the Hula Valley, and an atmosphere of abroad - in the spaces, hospitality and design
Villa Etz Hazayit
Arava - Eilat - VilaVillas with open view with private heated pool's
This is one of the most majestic and spacious complexes we have met, and the beautiful pool in the center of it captures all the attention - the Olive Tree Villa invites you to vacation in Eilat like you have never known before
Villa Odette
Western Galilee - Zareit - VilaVillas with open view with private heated pool's
An impressive villa with no less than 9 rooms, an outdoor complex with a private pool, a taboon corner, table games and an atmosphere of freedom
Dream House
Sea of Galilee Area - Tiberias - VilaVillas with open view with private heated pool's
A spacious villa with a modern design, a view of the Sea of Galilee from every corner and an atmosphere of real freedom - Dream House is definitely a dream option for an enjoyable family vacation
Thai Boutique Hotel
Western Galilee - Yaara - VilaVillas with open view with private heated pool's
A villa with 13 luxurious master bedrooms, two private pools, and plenty of space for socializing - Thai Boutique Hotel may not be a boutique hotel by the book, but it's totally in the spirit.
Ahuzat Raphaels
Western Galilee - Ein Ya'akov - VilaVillas with open view with private heated pool's
An amazing view, an outdoor complex that has everything, and a luxurious and meticulous design down to the smallest details - the Raffaeles mansion sets a new standard for pampering
Ahuzat Shoshanim Boutique
Western Galilee - Shomera - VilaVillas with open view with private heated pool's
A view that overlooks green mountains, a pool and spa jacuzzi on the view and a large and impressive mansion with four bedrooms and lots of common spaces - Shoshans Mansion positions itself as a top-quality option for a family vacation
Triple Villa
Sea of Galilee Area - Migdal - VilaVillas with open view with private heated pool's
Not one, not two - three villas await you here, each with its own section - heated infinity pools, spa jacuzzis and balconies worth the view are just a part of what this complex has to offer
Shalvat Anhal
Upper Galilee - Safsufa - Kfar Hoshan - VilaVillas with open view with private heated pool's
A spacious outdoor complex with a private pool, spa jacuzzi and a variety of accommodation options that will suit the whole family - Enhal Serenity is a comfortable, pampering and beautiful complex
Ahuzat Santorini
Western Galilee - Ein Ya'akov - VilaVillas with open view with private heated pool's
A villa with 4 bedrooms, a private heated pool, a spa jacuzzi and spaces for the whole family - the Santorini mansion is an excellent option for a solidifying family vacation
The Golan Heights and the Hermon - Givat Yoav - VilaVillas with open view with private heated pool's
Two architecturally designed villas with four master rooms, in an elegant and minimalist atmosphere and with an infinity pool that spills into the landscape - Aloma takes its guests to a deep-rooted experience of material, spirit and taste inspired by the Golan
Romi House
Sea of Galilee Area - Kinneret (the colony) - VilaVillas with open view with private heated pool's
There is something new under the sun in Moshav Kinneret: 2 new accommodation villas have recently been added to the prestigious neighborhood on top of the hill overlooking the Kinneret. 21 of them sit on a spacious dunam with a panoramic view of the lake, and they are located in separate complexes at a distance of 5 minutes' walk from each other and 21 of them can be ordered separately, of course. This is a villa "Rumi in Kinneret" with 7 bedrooms and a villa "Yahli in Kinneret" with 5 bedrooms. A very experienced host in the vacation field completes what is needed for a "sweetened" vacation in a great location: both villas offer a view, a heated pool, a spa jacuzzi, generous amenities, private parking and easy access.
Villa Maasai
Upper Galilee - Dalton - VilaVillas with open view with private heated pool's
A large villa facing an open view of the Galilee mountains, a private heated pool and a jacuzzi in each suite - Villa Maasai is ideal for families who love space
Fjord Boutique
Upper Galilee - טפחות - VilaVillas with open view with private heated pool's
An amazing villa with four master rooms, a pool that you cannot remain indifferent to and an ideal finish that is evident in all the small details - Fjord Boutique is a great promise for a most pampering vacation
King Rafael
Western Galilee - Even Menahem - VilaVillas with open view with private heated pool's
Luxurious design, maximum comfort and a spectacular view - "King Raphael" Villa is the place to visit when you really want to pamper yourself
Ahuzat Aloni
Western Galilee - Ein Ya'akov - VilaVillas with open view with private heated pool's
A large and luxurious pool, a spa jacuzzi that overlooks the view, and an excellent space for a family vacation experience at an affordable price for everyone - at Aloni Mansion, family fun awaits you at a price that won't break the bank
Ahuzat HaNarkis 42
Upper Galilee - Rosh Pina - VilaVillas with open view with private heated pool's
Rosh Pina is full of diverse accommodation options, but we have never seen a place like Narkis Mansion. This is a spacious, meticulous and luxurious villa at the highest levels, which is suitable for families or a group of friends who love luxury and fine living.