04-06/04 Friday to Sunday (2 nights) »
11-13/04 Friday to Sunday (2 nights) »
These separate, Isolated deluxe, Suites offer a particularly high degree of privacy. Deluxe, romantic Suites for couples only, designed and positioned in a manner that will enable the blossoming of any couple's privacy. These reclusive Suites are quiet, secluded and serene, unique in their location, enabling a romantic disassociation from one's surroundings, with the advantages of the most luxurious pampering facilities offered in selected romantic deluxe Suites. These recommended romantic cottages have a separate access path and a totally private terrace - one cannot see any paths or neighboring cottages from the terrace, nor anything else that might detract from the high degree of privacy. Among the deluxe Suites appearing in this category, you can also find particularly exclusive and luxurious cottages, cottages with splendid views, and a variety of romantic indulgences for couples. In addition to visual privacy, these romantic Suites provide acoustic isolation to guests as well.