Adom Lavan couples only
Upper Galilee - Amirim - B&BIsolated b&b's with heated pool's
On the way to "red and white" I think to myself that I would be willing to increase the mortgage in order to see from the window of the house a view of two trees and half a field. two trees So you understand - in Ofer's complex, which is located in a crazy location in Amirim, you see two days. And when I say 'days' I don't mean Monday and Thursday, but Kinneret and high school.
Beit Hachalomot Shel Mishpachat Peleg
Upper Galilee - Amirim - Isolated b&b's with heated pool's
3 rustic suites with modern design, a large and luxurious jacuzzi, and the Spanish suite also has its own pool - the sweet dream of a house in the village is here.
Ahuzat Dorita
Western Galilee - Liman - Isolated b&b's with heated pool's
A luxurious mansion divided into six private suites, manicured gardens, beautiful pools and excellent service - it's no coincidence that Dorita Mansion is a favorite of celebrities.
Bein Haoranim
Lower Galilee - Mitzpe Adi - B&BIsolated b&b's with heated pool's
המקום המיוחד הזה מציע איכות אחרת, אירופאית. הבניה בעץ, המפלסים השונים, נוף יער האורנים, הבריכה הפרטית לכל יחידה, והכניסה לפרטים הקטנים, המדוייקים, אלה שעושים את ההבדל ואת החופשה. אבל לא על זה רצינו לדבר. רצינו לדבר אתכם על כימיה, ולייתר דיוק- על יונים שליליים.[מתוך דבר מבקר האתר, אלון שוורצמן]יתרונות וחסרונות, סקירה מהשטח:נכון, אנחנו מדריך לנופש רומנטי, אבל אנחנו חייבים להסביר כאן, מבחינה כימית, את מה שקרה למבקר האתר כשהוא עמד על ה"דק", אל מול היער: הריאות פשוט נפתחו לו. ולזה אחראים היונים השליליים המצויים בשפע במולקולות האוויר כאן. והסיבה היא העצים הרבים אשר מעשירים את החמצן כאן. כמה פשוט- ככה טוב.
Alpha Suite
Upper Galilee - Dalton - Isolated b&b's with heated pool's
A luxurious suite, fully equipped and decorated in a chic style, with a showcase overlooking a private pool, and complete privacy. There's a reason we gave it that name.
Tsior Nof
Upper Galilee - Amirim - B&BIsolated b&b's with heated pool's
The name of this B&B vacation rental and the feeling it radiates are magical. The view seen from the yard includes the Mediterranean Sea on the horizon, the Galilee, the golden Golan and the Sea of Galilee framed in a chain of northern mountains. This rare view creates the illusion of a surrealistic painting by a supernaturally talented artist, who, when touching his magic paintbrush to the cosmic canvas, connects dream with reality, gathers the wind into solid material, dripping raindrops of reality into a river of imagination.Against this beautiful background you'll see two beautiful structures - white, Mongolese-style Worth tents. These, too, look as if they were drawn by an artist. Their round shape blends with the curvature of the sky, the soft nature around you and the wonderful authenticity of everything.
Zimmer Boutique Harimon
The Golan Heights and the Hermon - Maale Gamla - B&BIsolated b&b's with heated pool's
A boutique family zimmer overlooking the Sea of Galilee, a stream pool next to a dry sauna, a campfire corner, and a host of surprises and treats at the expense of the house - Ramon really thought of everything
Hermes Suite
Upper Galilee - Safed - Isolated b&b's with heated pool's
The Hermes Suite offers an incredibly Instagrammable space, a beautiful pool and facilities that complete the atmosphere - really not what you expected
On the Sea Suite
Western Galilee - Shavei Zion - Isolated b&b's with heated pool's
A romantic and private suite near the sea, with a heated pool, a pampering jacuzzi, and everything a couple needs for a vacation full of quality time
Western Galilee - Ein Ya'akov - B&BIsolated b&b's with heated pool's
A spacious suite with an elegant design, completely private and full of facilities: a heated pool, a dry sauna, and a round jacuzzi that closes the corner - at Blanco they did not leave any detail out of the picture
Nasia couples only
Western Galilee - Netoa - Isolated b&b's with heated pool's
Secluded, majestic, and one of a kind - the Nesia Suite has everything a couple could imagine: a heated and most private pool, a bubbling jacuzzi, and a panoramic view that wraps everything in a perfect setting - welcome to a dream that you haven't yet realized.
Pisat Bar couples only
Western Galilee - Shomera - B&BIsolated b&b's with heated pool's
Two cabins nestled in the grove with complete privacy surrounded by vegetation and nature. And the bonus? Each cabin has its own heated current pool.
Eretz Arava | Land Accommodations in the Desert
Arava - Tsukim - Isolated b&b's with heated pool's
This spot belongs to those same dreams of a secluded, special, comfortable, well-equipped suite, right at the edge of the desert. There are no fences here, and the open horizon invites you to stroll. When your hosts designed and constructed this B&B vacation rental, they thought of every detail: the furniture, the authentic finishes, and even the development of the area around it, with complete respect for the natural desert. If you know how to identify quality in the desert quiet, you will enjoy it here, in ideal circumstances.
Capeland-a Galilean Experience in Matat
Western Galilee - Matat - VilaIsolated b&b's with heated pool's
..."פעם בכמה חודשים בא לי לעזוב את העיר, לקחת את אישתי וללכת לחיות בטבע. לא בסביבה "טבעית" עם כמה עצי פרי ומדשאה אלא ממש בטבע… כמו פעם כשהיינו ציידים-לקטים. על צלע הר, בתוך חורש טבעי ולמטה ערוץ שמתמלא במי גשם. הרי בתכל'ס מה אנחנו צריכים? אוהל שיגן מהגשם, עצים לצל, מזרון שטח וקצת אוכל.אז זהו… שלא! אחרי בדיוק שעה של פנטוז הפאניקה תוקפת אותי. אבל איך?! מה עם המיטה? הסרטים? המטבח? רמת החיים? אז נכון, טבע זה אחלה אבל שווה באמת לוותר על הכל?..."[מתוך דבר המבקר, אלון שוורצמן]יתרונות וחסרונות- סקירה מהשטחאז כאן נכנסת "קפלנד" לתמונה עם התשובה האולטימטיבית: קחו את המיקום שהוא באמת באמת בתוך הטבע, עם שבילי האבן הפראית, החורש הירוק והשמיים האינסופיים ושימו בתוכו את אחד המתחמים היותר יפים, איכותיים, "מתוקתקים" ומפנקים שאתם יכולים לדמיין. השילוב הזה הוא פשוט מטורף וגורם לי להרגיש שאני, את החלום שלי, מצאתי כאן. המתחם המיוחד הזה מכיל בית נופש ענק, ושתי סוויטות אותן ניתן לשכור לחוד, או כקומפלקס המתאים לזוגות חברים או משפחה מורחבת.
Tsuk Gamla
The Golan Heights and the Hermon - Maale Gamla - B&BIsolated b&b's with heated pool's
..."Why give one bottle of wine, if you can give four?" Kobi points to a special refrigerator full of quality wines, and I understand that I am dealing with a professional. He shows me a beautiful jacuzzi surrounded by windows with a view, a cute kitchenette, a living room where you can eat from its floor and an inviting bed, but he saves the real kick for the end: on a "thin" balcony surrounded by a green yard, facing a view of a kitschy postcard, one of the most beautiful private pools I've ever seen is revealed... [From the words of the critic, Yair Sheinberg]
Ahuzat Nataly
Upper Galilee - Dishon - VilaIsolated b&b's with heated pool's
This is a well-invested and pleasant villa that can accommodate up to 12 people (adults and children) or just couples. The design is clean, inviting and high-quality, the attention to cleanliness and the hosts who succeed in appealing to a high-quality target audience - make the place an interesting and good choice, in a rural-luxurious location facing the Galilee ridges.
Ahuzat Lorraine
Western Galilee - Ein Ya'akov - Isolated b&b's with heated pool's
The fragrance of Parisian chic floats in the modern B&B vacation rental Ahuzat Lorraine on Moshav Ein Yaakov. A focus on beauty and elegance grant this venue a cosmipolitan sense of fashionable, elite hospitality.Thesophisticated design, the abundance of space, the complete privacy, these qualities, so rare and so attractive, make Ahuzat Lorraine a particularly sought after location among B&B vacation rentals in the north. Add to this the abundance of facilities, including a large, covered, heated swimming pool and two types of saunas - dry and wet, the view of the Galilee mountains all the way to the Mediterranean, the pastoral atmosphere - and you get the ultimate vacation spot that offers the advantages of overseas vacations in the beautiful Galilee landscape.
Hasuita Hanessiotit
Western Galilee - Goren - B&BIsolated b&b's with heated pool's
We recommend this experience to all those who are used to living under royal conditions and all those who would like to try, at least once in their lives. Where do we start? If the photos aren't enough, you can obtain a full impression in the reviews. We'll only mention a private pool, armchairs and mattresses that caress and massage you, a Jacuzzi that looks like a spaceship and a tv screen so big that it won't take much imagination to feel like you're "right in the movie". This place is a real dream.
Or Gani
Western Galilee - Shtula - B&BIsolated b&b's with heated pool's
..."Moshav Shatula is an agricultural settlement that is currently undergoing a change in the direction of tourism. It has quite a few villas and family complexes, as well as complexes that are "not really self-contained". I regularly check the new complexes that are built here and I have not come across many places that are really built to provide the romantic experience we are looking for. "Or Gani" manages to live up to this with dignity: I found a lovely place that offers only one unit, a location on the edge of the mountain, a private swimming pool and full attention from the hosts who succeed More and more apply here the successful ingredients for a romantic vacation..." [From the words of the critic, Alon Schwartzman] Advantages and disadvantages - a review from the field A short dirt path, passing the guest house, leads me to the private parking reserved for the guests of the single unit. In front of a panoramic view lies a guest house surrounded by lots of open space, vegetation and a lemon grove. Not far from the living room and in front of the view is a private pool with a modular roof and a spa jacuzzi, elevated on a "deck" and with excellent privacy. A wooden swing (obviously overlooking the view) makes me want to sit in it and stare at the green opposite, and it faces additional shaded seating areas scattered around the area.
Kukuriku Suita Bakefar
The Golan Heights and the Hermon - Aniam - B&BIsolated b&b's with heated pool's
The uniqueness of Kukuriku is based on the fascinating contrast between the outside, pastoral surroundings and the urban design of the interior, the sophisticated play of "city vs. village". It allows its guests to enjoy the advantages of it all: the quiet beauty of the Golan Heights, the sights and sounds of nature, panoramic views, calm atmosphere, and the modern, artistic, luxurious atmosphere of a large, well-designed suite that has everything. And it's very close to an artists' village.
Western Galilee - Even Menahem - B&BIsolated b&b's with heated pool's
True, the name "Utopia" is obligating, and the HaPisga reviewer had her doubts. And then she arrived (after a fairly utopian drive on a secluded, picturesque road). These are her words: "Utopia - is one of those B&B vacation rentals that looks even better in reality than in photographs. And the photographs, as you can clearly see, are beautiful...the reason for this is, apparently the special atmosphere created here - joy, springtime giddiness, naivete and lightness. And this lightness, which floats around me in the air, makes whoever stays here feel younger, more mischievous and full of life.". .
Michelle Suite Lavender
Upper Galilee - Amirim - B&BIsolated b&b's with heated pool's
There are places that offer crazy panoramic views, and we come across quite a few of them, especially in the Amirim area where the location of the houses on the mountainside allows a view far south to the Golan Heights, Lake Kinneret, and west towards Mount Tabor. But this place, "Michelle Suite" offers something else: I didn't find a single corner here where the view wasn't exposed to those staying in the isolated unit: right from the bed (which is raised on a platform), from the jacuzzi, from the bar, from the living room, and even from the bathroom. And we haven't even talked about the amazing "deck" that seems to be hanging in the air and gives the feeling of a deck on a cruise ship, or the view from the swimming pool that is located right at the edge of the complex.
Infinite View
Lower Galilee - Kfar Kish - B&BIsolated b&b's with heated pool's
This is a pair of unique wood cabins in the New England style, for guests who appreciate luxury and a very interesting vacation, across from the biblical scenery of Har Tavor and the Lower Galilee. Infinite Landscape is more than enchanting, at the center of one of Israel's most beautiful landscapes. The suites are amazingly beautiful, rich and luxurious, with a private swimming pool and Jacuzzi spa for each suite. These beautiful surroundings are waiting just for you…did someone mention champagne in the brook?
Achuza Bishnayim
Western Galilee - Hosen - B&BIsolated b&b's with heated pool's
Your first impression of the luxury suite Ahuza Beshnayim, on Moshav Hossen in the western Galilee, is of a luxury apartment in an elite neighborhood of Tel Aviv, rather than a classic B&B vacation rental in the Galilee. The space is stylish and huge, with modern lines, a bold, unusual design, unique furnishings, a nonstandard combination of colors. But when you exit the suite and stand in the garden, the similarity to Tel Aviv fades and the magic of the pastoral north sweeps you up into its romance and serenity of the Galilee. This complex has one suite only, for couples who seek seclusion.
Or Berashit
Upper Galilee - Amirim - B&BIsolated b&b's with heated pool's
"הטלפון של שלום מצלצל בפעם השביעית בחצי השעה האחרונה, והוא עונה בלבביות, ששמורה אצלי לחברים קרובים. "זה דודי – האורח של מחר" הוא מסביר לי וכבר רץ לקבל את האורחים של היום. הוא רץ ואני נזכר בטיפ שקיבלתי פעם על בחירת מסעדות: לכו למקום שיושבים בו הרבה אנשים. כנראה שיש לזה סיבה."[מתוך דבר המבקר, יאיר שיינברג]
Nof Carmim
Upper Galilee - Kerem Ben Zamra - Isolated b&b's with heated pool's
Just when I think I've seen everything, Shula leads me to the back of the house and I realize I haven't seen anything. We go down the stairs on the steep hillside, and below one of the most beautiful pools I've ever seen is revealed. Where to start? of the size? From the high standard? Maybe the vineyard crane across the street? When Shula says that she has already hosted a Prime Minister, I am surprised that only one
Pinchas and Gaston|Shvei Tzion
Western Galilee - Shavei Zion - Isolated b&b's with heated pool's
The Pinchas and Gaston Estate in Lyman and in Shevi Zion have already won every possible accolade as kings of romantic hospitatlity in Israel. And it's no wonder: these prestigious vacation rentals offer a perfect, luxurious, museum quality design; an excellent location on the seashore or in secluded suites; heated swiming pools, a hot tub, a wine cellar, extraordinary finishes and amenities, and above all, an indulgent, romantic atmosphere you won't find anywhere else in Israel and, perhaps, in the entire world. . We wouldn't be surprised if they filmed the next James Bond movie here:
Alma | Accommodation Suite
Upper Galilee - Alma - Isolated b&b's with heated pool's
The new Alma suite proves to us that the word "palace" is flexible, dynamic and adapts itself to any time and place. Alma is a modern palace. It has a huge space with mostly glass walls, looking out over a heated swimming pool. The huge yard is constructed like a mini golf park.The entertainment system has six speakers and a multi-media system for private viewing with the quality of your own theater. The Jacuzzi seats six, but only if you want it to...And this is all just the beginning...
Bar BeGolan Suites
The Golan Heights and the Hermon - Had Nes - B&BIsolated b&b's with heated pool's
"Bar Suites in the Golan offers a simple and precise mix, without frills and without unreasonable pretensions: 2 lovely units with complete privacy, a separate bedroom, private courtyards, a private spa jacuzzi (with water that is changed after each stay), and a shared heated pool, small and nice. We should also mention the hostess ("a real "pepper") who knows how to connect, advise and when to give spice..." [From the words of the site reviewer, Liza Amoyel] Advantages and disadvantages - a review from the field When I arrived at the compound, located in the extension of Had Ness, the feeling of peace surprised me in light of the fact that it is not an area with spacious estates. There is something about the place, the people and the compound itself that immediately radiates a pastoral atmosphere, both in the chirping of the birds, and in the warm and comfortable home decor.
Nof Moledet
Upper Galilee - Rosh Pina - VilaIsolated b&b's with heated pool's
Complete privacy in front of an open Galilean view, and a large, inviting and pampering space - Nof Molad is a quality option for a family vacation in any season
Mordechai Suite
Western Galilee - Tsuriel - B&BIsolated b&b's with heated pool's
אילו נסיכי הכתר הבריטיים היו מבלים את ירח הדבש שלהם בישראל, יש סיכוי טוב שהם היו בוחרים להתארח דווקא ב"סוויטת מרדכי" במושב צוריאל אשר בגליל המערבי. ככה בחרה מבקרת "הפסגה" לפתוח את חוות הדעת. מדובר בסוויטה ע- נ- ק- י- ת (180 מ"ר!) ומפוארת מאוד, המיועדת לאכלס זוג מלכותי במיוחד או שני זוגות חברים. מבקרת האתר התאהבה במתחם המכיל נופים מרהיבים, בריכת שחיה, ג'קוזי ספא וסאונה, והיא התאהבה גם ב... מארחת המקסימה - עדי.
Pinchas & Gaston | Limon
Western Galilee - Liman - B&BIsolated b&b's with heated pool's
The "Pinchas and Gaston" mansions in Lyman (in this opinion) and Shavei Zion have already won all possible crowns as the "kings" of romantic hospitality in Israel. And no wonder: the complexes offer a perfect luxury museum-level design, an excellent location on the sea line or in isolated suites, shared and private heated pools, a hot tab, a wine cellar, fittings and finishes of an extraordinary level, and above all - a luxurious atmosphere that you will not find anywhere else in Israel, and perhaps in the world. It wouldn't surprise us at all if the next James Bond movie was filmed there...
House of Lords
Western Galilee - Hosen - B&BIsolated b&b's with heated pool's
If this Hapisga critic hadn't seen this site with her own eyes - and she has seen many a B&B vacation rental in her time3 - she might have thought the image was fabricated like some fabulous theater backdrop. This huge space is so unbelievably full of design details, facilities, elegance and luxury that couples or pairs of couples who stay here will feel like lords and ladies on a royal estate, cut off from time, and soaking in luxury and elegance.
Vradim & Ohavim
Western Galilee - Kfar Varedim - B&BIsolated b&b's with heated pool's
On a quiet, green side street on Kfar Vradim, in the Western Galilee, hides a unique, secluded suite - Roses and Lovers. The suite is designed in delicate shades of white and pastel colors, inviting its guests for a dreamy, emotional experience. Here, in the serene, beautifully lighted space, romance is the key word.
Ahuzat Shirat Hahar
Upper Galilee - Safsufa - Kfar Hoshan - VilaIsolated b&b's with heated pool's
..."האחוזה המטופחת הזו, המיועדת לקבוצה גדולה או זוגות שלא מפחדים ממינגלינג, מצליחה לעמוד באתגר מעניין: בנוסף לוילות ולצימרים הרחבים והיפים, יש לנו כאן מתחם נעים ואלגנטי, המאובזר בכל מה שצריך כדי להרגיש טוב ולא להשתעמם לרגע: בריכה גדולה, מחוממת ומקורה, חדר ספא נעים ביותר עם סאונה יבשה וג'קוזי, פינות למתקנים שונים: טרמפולינה, הוקי אוויר, שולחנות פינג פונג וכדור רגל, ולשלל האטרקציות האלו נוסף לאחרונה גם חדר סנוקר מגניב.אבל זה לא הכול: איריס, המארחת שדואגת לכל פרט, גאה במיוחד בחדר האוכל הגדול עם המטבח הצמוד שעומד לרשותם של הנופשים כאן, שלוקחים לעצמם זמן איכות לבשל ולשבת לאכול בצוותא. .."[מתוך דבר המבקרת, ליזה אמויאל]יתרונות וחסרונות- סקירה מהשטחספסופה בשמו המקראי והיותר מוכר מהרשמי (כפר חושן), שוכן קרוב מאד להר מירון, הלב המיסטי של הצפון. זו הזדמנות להזכיר כי קברי צדיקים וקבליסטים הם לא לדתיים בלבד, ושהנופים התנ"כיים והאגדות המרתקות שסביבם הם תענוג לכל אוהבי טבע, היסטוריה ודברי חכמה. אחוזת שירת ההר נמצאת ברחוב שקט של המושב הכפרי והשקט (למעט קרקורי מטילות מהמתחם הסמוך) ולאורחים חנייה פרטית בתוך המתחם, עם שער חשמלי ושלט רחוק שניתן לכל אורח.
Ilay Suite
Sea of Galilee Area - Ramot - B&BIsolated b&b's with heated pool's
..."The result is a beautiful circular pool around which the cabins are built. Each has access to a completely private piece of water, separated from the other parts of the pool by decorative wooden partitions and climbing plants. In the center of the water circle you will find a small, green island that breaks the world record for the number of palm trees per square meter, and the general feeling is of a tangled tropical jungle that separates me from the world. Maybe it's more important than that - between me and the neighbors"... [From the words of the critic, Yair Shinberg]
Chalom Ba'adom
Western Galilee - Moshav Pakiin - B&BIsolated b&b's with heated pool's
Two very spacious, red villas, completely secluded, with a modern, luxurious design, offer guests a treasure of rare quality. The unique concept of the villas should particularly please couples looking for a B&B vacation rental with a very large, comfortable space, the option for cooking full meals, complete privacy and a rich variety of amenities. Among others, there's a large, private swimming pool, a private wave-spa pool, a billiard table, a bbq corner and many more surprises. Pairs of friends who would like to vacation together will find the Halom Beadom villas to be perfect, due to the four bedrooms in each villa.