Shiri's House couples only
Upper Galilee - Amirim - B&b's with fireplace's whit private chef's
A vacation home overlooking a stunning Galilean view, a private outdoor area with a spa jacuzzi sunken into the deck, and a fruit tree garden with lots of sweet surprises - Shiri's house is a one-time B&B
Ahuzat Dorita
Western Galilee - Liman - B&b's with fireplace's whit private chef's
A luxurious mansion divided into six private suites, manicured gardens, beautiful pools and excellent service - it's no coincidence that Dorita Mansion is a favorite of celebrities.
Neimat Hahalil couples only
Upper Galilee - Amirim - B&BB&b's with fireplace's whit private chef's
The experience here begins with the drive: you descend onto the dirt road, look around and look for the B&Bs, hidden away from prying eyes. Four beautiful suites provide their guests with a special experience: a combination of spirit and matter, art and pampering, nature and technological advancement. Among other things, you can enjoy spectacular design here, an abundance of art pieces, advanced furnishings, private heated pools, spa facilities, and, last but not least: the mesmerizing view.
Nof Lezafon
Upper Galilee - Kerem Ben Zamra - B&b's with fireplace's whit private chef's
"View to the North" already in its name reveals its biggest advantage - the spectacular view. The high location allows visitors a panoramic view from Hermon to the Galilee mountains, while in the suite itself a spacious and luxurious complex awaits them, which was renovated and reopened in March 2021.
The Forest Fairy couples only
Western Galilee - Abirim - B&BB&b's with fireplace's whit private chef's
Even 200 m after passing the gate and entering the settlement of Avirim, it is still difficult to distinguish the houses in the dense forest. When I finally managed to find the forest fairy among the trees, I remembered how my daughter once asked: "Daddy, are there really fairies?". So in this case the answer may well be "yes". I didn't find a huge yard here, or an endless compound, but here is exactly what you need: a romantic, small and embracing corner, open exactly where you need it: to the mountain opposite. There are 2 units here, and each one has its own advantages: one offers the view you would like to have at home, and the other the privacy you would want on your balcony.
Idyllia| Hapnina Beit Even Yukrateim
Upper Galilee - Amirim - B&BB&b's with fireplace's whit private chef's
A romantic, luxurious and luxurious B&B complex in one of the best locations in Amirim: high above all others. Restored stone in an ancient style, woodwork and green vegetation - a combination that creates a "classic" Galilean atmosphere with roots. The stone art here, in itself, is an attraction and an aesthetic pleasure.
Asia Suite
Upper Galilee - Dalton - B&b's with fireplace's whit private chef's
We often receive requests to recommend a single bed and breakfast in a private complex, and to be honest, it is not easy to find ones that meet all our standards. That's why when we went to check out the Asia Suite, we were full of anticipation and hope that we would finally be able to add a complex that meets the popular demand, and to our delight, the expectations were fully realized.
Bigtime Cabins couples only
Upper Galilee - Amoka - B&BB&b's with fireplace's whit private chef's
This place has "Swiss" qualities - in terms of location, design and the way the professional hostess, Yael, will take care of you. It's true, the prices here are not cheap, but that's how it is when the hospitality is meticulous and well tailored to the measurements of those who know what to ask for and get in a luxurious romantic vacation of this level. This is a pair of particularly fancy wooden cabins, in a complex suitable for couples only. The peace and grace that flow between pool and pool blend well here. B&Bs with living conditions, views, and breakfasts that have become a household name in the field.
Upper Galilee - Amirim - B&BB&b's with fireplace's whit private chef's
Three stone houses full of atmosphere, surrounded by nature and Galilean mountain air - "Relax" is an unusual and refreshing B&B complex in the landscape
Lihiyot Im Hateva
The Golan Heights and the Hermon - Naot Golan - B&BB&b's with fireplace's whit private chef's
Have you ever had a chance to vacation in an isolated cabin in the Golan with a tent next to it? "Living with nature" is a wonderful combination of complete privacy alongside infinite spaces. So if the only thing you want to hear is the birds chirping, you've come to the right place.
Izmargad couples only
Western Galilee - Mitzpe Hila - B&BB&b's with fireplace's whit private chef's
Well, it's not really a B&B. This is perhaps the most charming vacation apartment in the north. There's a real living room here, not a "sitting area." And not only is the size real, but also the successful design, and... the surprises. Yoel leads to a sweet balcony with a spa jacuzzi that, when you sit in, you'll feel like Nahal Kziv is registered in your name in the land registry.
Piazza del Sol couples only
The Golan Heights and the Hermon - Had Nes - B&BB&b's with fireplace's whit private chef's
An invested complex with a design concept for each B&B, amazing breakfast-chef meals and a winning location in the Golan - Piazza del Sol is a complex for those who like their holidays particularly meticulous and pampering
Upper Galilee - Amirim - VilaB&b's with fireplace's whit private chef's
The sight of a single unit in an entire complex is not too common in our districts. You have to appreciate the matter when talking about privacy and a sense of space. But there is also the added value of a connection to the amazing landscape and a fine design: "I built the B&B out of a desire to express my love for art, painting and sculpture," says Malaya, the host, "to create a place that combines the beauty of nature and God's creation, alongside the beauty of creative handiwork - I see it as a life's work." The B&B is fully equipped, with a private pool, relatively accessible and offers a harmonious and indulgent combination of spirit and substance.
Marquee couples only
Western Galilee - Mitzpe Hila - B&BB&b's with fireplace's whit private chef's
Without a doubt, Marquise is an excellent example of creative, fascinating design that will captivate your mind. This spot is a true art creation. The style is eclectic, free, with every design element making up the whole picture in an intuitive, sensitive fashion, and not just via dry design rules. The surprising fusion has touches of retro, classic and modern, and it's all wrapped in a natural, pastoral country atmosphere.Nature itself is what created the amazing backdrop to the three wood cabins in the complex, located on the edge of a cliff overlooking a primordial wadi below. The full, natural forest embraces these cabins with intimacy and serenity that penetrates the body and soul, making time stand still..
Raphael Estate
Western Galilee - Even Menahem - B&b's with fireplace's whit private chef's
To simplify things, this luxurious complex has 3 very significant advantages: a wonderful, green, cylindrical and open view from each of the suites, very impressive amenities including a spa jacuzzi and a heated, indoor swimming pool for each of the suites, and excellent privacy resulting from the smart design of the complex. In an era when every complex is becoming a "luxury mansion", it's nice to know that you can tick these important things.
Western Galilee - Ein Ya'akov - B&BB&b's with fireplace's whit private chef's
A spacious suite with an elegant design, completely private and full of facilities: a heated pool, a dry sauna, and a round jacuzzi that closes the corner - at Blanco they did not leave any detail out of the picture
Nasia couples only
Western Galilee - Netoa - B&b's with fireplace's whit private chef's
Secluded, majestic, and one of a kind - the Nesia Suite has everything a couple could imagine: a heated and most private pool, a bubbling jacuzzi, and a panoramic view that wraps everything in a perfect setting - welcome to a dream that you haven't yet realized.
Arba'at Hayesodot | The four Elements
Upper Galilee - Rosh Pina - B&b's with fireplace's whit private chef's
"ישנם מקומות שכבר במבט הראשון אתה מבין משהו על בעליהם. במקרה של "ארבעת האלמנטים", סמדר גרוסמן, המארחת, היא בהחלט האלמנט החמישי שמאגד את כולם. סמדר היא הרבה יותר ממארחת. היא אנינת טעם, מאלה שבאמת מבינים מה היא איכות ללא פשרות. רואים את זה כאן בכל פינה ובכל בחירה שנעשתה בעיצוב ובאבזור..."
[מתוך דבר המבקר, אלברט אדוט]
יתרונות וחסרונות- סקירה מהשטח
סוויטת ארבעת היסודות ממוקמת בראש פינה בשכונה וותיקה שמשלבת את כל הטוב שיש במושבה התיירותית הנפלאה הזו: קרובה מספיק להכל- לבתי הקפה והמסעדות בחלק התחתון, ובמרחק טיול נעים לחלק העליון. נכון, היא לא בתוך תוכו של האיזור הבוהמייני, אבל מצד שני- היא נהנית מהשקט של המושבה הישנה והטובה.
Ha Ofek Hayarok
Western Galilee - Zareit - B&BB&b's with fireplace's whit private chef's
A green and open view, a pool on the height, a super cool campfire corner and plenty of attractions for the whole family - the green horizon is a complex that will be suitable for hosting up to 4 couples, or for a family in different formations.
Hagar and Yair's Suite couples only
Western Galilee - Manot - B&BB&b's with fireplace's whit private chef's
The B&B vacation rental complex, Hagar's Suite, contains a wood cabin known as the Rimon Suite. From the foundations to the rafters, it is totally the creative handiwork of your host, Yair. It's a huge space with a very high ceiling, beautifully open to the nature surrounding it. The amazing result lies in its quality. A B&B vacation rental with thought in every detail: what you see when you sit in the Jacuzzi, what you feel in the bedroom space, and how the external garden completes the feeling.
El Guy Oni
Upper Galilee - Rosh Pina - B&BB&b's with fireplace's whit private chef's
At the top of the road to El Guy Oni (the Old City of Rosh Pina), not far from the beautiful restored site and amidst the biblical scenery of the Golan Heights and Mt. Hermon, is one of the most recommended suites in Rosh Pina. The uniqueness lies in its size, its quality, the amazing view and the relatively good prices.
Or Berashit
Upper Galilee - Amirim - B&BB&b's with fireplace's whit private chef's
"הטלפון של שלום מצלצל בפעם השביעית בחצי השעה האחרונה, והוא עונה בלבביות, ששמורה אצלי לחברים קרובים. "זה דודי – האורח של מחר" הוא מסביר לי וכבר רץ לקבל את האורחים של היום. הוא רץ ואני נזכר בטיפ שקיבלתי פעם על בחירת מסעדות: לכו למקום שיושבים בו הרבה אנשים. כנראה שיש לזה סיבה."[מתוך דבר המבקר, יאיר שיינברג]
Barkata Mitham Nofesh Balilee
Western Galilee - Shomera - VilaB&b's with fireplace's whit private chef's
In complete seclusion lie two suites in a natural forest, with a stream whose babbling music becomes the sound of home for every moment you are in Barachta (Bracha in Aramaic). Around you, everywhere, are enchanting plants and flowers. Deluxe B&B vacation rentals with quality interior design and meticulous attention to detail, amid the purity of the Orient. Feel blessed..
Al Hakatse
Western Galilee - Shtula - B&BB&b's with fireplace's whit private chef's
..."דמיינו מתחם שבו העשיה מעולם לא נפסקת. כלומר- גם אחרי שהמקום נבנה ונפתח לקהל, ישנם מארח שבמו ידיו ממשיך, על בסיס יומיומי, לפתח את המתחם- את השבילים, את הנוי, את האבזור, את הירוק והחום והכחול ושוב את הירוק ולא מפסיק לרגע לצייר על החלקה הזו משום שזו בעצם היצירה המתמשכת שלו, היצירה של חייו.אדם כזה נמצא בתחום הנופש לא כי זה רווחי, או כי זה היה החלום שלו. הוא שם כי הוא מתייחס אל המקום כמו אמן שתמיד ימצא איך לשפר את יצירתו. וכזה הוא מתחם "על הקצה": היצירה של מאיר..."[מתוך דבר המבקר, אור בן ברק]
Western Galilee - Liman - B&BB&b's with fireplace's whit private chef's
The orchard princesses have crowned themselves a new queen: Prihat Hadarim. A sloped ceiling and bamboo furniture grant the site an atmosphere of the East with a touch of Canaan. The extraordinary facilities, including a huge round bed (!)2.3 meters in diameter, a giant rolling screen and more…Prihat Hadarim: a quality B&B vacation rental, beautiful and extraordinary in its design. At Biktapuz you can really blossom and enjoy.
Michelle Suite Lavender
Upper Galilee - Amirim - B&BB&b's with fireplace's whit private chef's
There are places that offer crazy panoramic views, and we come across quite a few of them, especially in the Amirim area where the location of the houses on the mountainside allows a view far south to the Golan Heights, Lake Kinneret, and west towards Mount Tabor. But this place, "Michelle Suite" offers something else: I didn't find a single corner here where the view wasn't exposed to those staying in the isolated unit: right from the bed (which is raised on a platform), from the jacuzzi, from the bar, from the living room, and even from the bathroom. And we haven't even talked about the amazing "deck" that seems to be hanging in the air and gives the feeling of a deck on a cruise ship, or the view from the swimming pool that is located right at the edge of the complex.
B&B's of the Forest Hamiel
Upper Galilee - Amirim - B&BB&b's with fireplace's whit private chef's
The impressionist greens and the refreshing fragrance of the forest, the fresh air, the chirping of the birds and the sounds of the breeze in the treetops, the feeling of inner quiet spreading through your soul, the renewed energy, the sharpening of your senses; your body feels wonderful. Your soul expands, strengtthens and soaks up the magic all around you. That's Hemiel's Song of the Forest.
Alma | Accommodation Suite
Upper Galilee - Alma - B&b's with fireplace's whit private chef's
The new Alma suite proves to us that the word "palace" is flexible, dynamic and adapts itself to any time and place. Alma is a modern palace. It has a huge space with mostly glass walls, looking out over a heated swimming pool. The huge yard is constructed like a mini golf park.The entertainment system has six speakers and a multi-media system for private viewing with the quality of your own theater. The Jacuzzi seats six, but only if you want it to...And this is all just the beginning...
Western Galilee - Ben Ami - B&BB&b's with fireplace's whit private chef's
..."So like this, to get you in the mood: let's say you like the rich uncle who lives in America, like in fairy tales, and in honor of his birthday (his, not yours) you come to stay at his beautiful estate located in a prestigious rural area. Can you imagine? Then we'll continue: You arrive in the evening and settle in one of its two equal suites, located in a separate complex overlooking the huge swimming pool. In the evening you go to the jacuzzi-spa and then you fall asleep peacefully. In the morning, after a fine coffee, you swing along the green paths towards the dining room where the rich breakfast is served to you. When you finally get out of there, your eyes open wide: extensive fields and orchards - right across the street - just waiting for you to take a lunch trip..." [From the reviewer's words | Alon Schwartzman]
Champagne Boutique Estates
Western Galilee - Kfar Varedim - B&b's with fireplace's whit private chef's
There is nothing like a glass of cold, sparkling champagne to celebrate those special moments of joy. And if joy comes from love – please permit the HaPisga Guide reviewer to recommend to you the perfect place to make a toast – the Champagne Boutique Estate. Here, in one of the two uniquely and extraordinarily designed suites, in an atmosphere of true vacation pleasures, opposite the magnificent views of natural forest and northern mountains, you are invited to become intoxicated with love…
Gan Hamelechim
Upper Galilee - Amirim - B&BB&b's with fireplace's whit private chef's
The choice of the name "Gan Hamelachim" (The Garden of Kings) may sound a little snooty, when freely used, particularly when we are talking about B&B vacation rentals. In this case, we can declare that they have it completely covered, and even more, in the name. A luxurious, romantic B&B vacation rental with a view of the Sea of Galilee, a wet sauna, tons of facilities and luxuries and a posh, lavish design with great attention to detail. For those who wish to be pampered like kings…
Gan Vradim
Upper Galilee - Amirim - B&BB&b's with fireplace's whit private chef's
If you awoke this morning and thought to yourselves: Today I feel like vacationing at the top of the world – this is the place. Two beautiful vacation rentals on Amirim, with huge picture windows that seem to actually enter the amazing scenery, a wide, elliptical Jacuzzi, candles all around. The list of luxuries is long, and the facilities, as usual, are of high quality, but there is one thing you simply can't ignore: the exquisite view.
Eli Bagalil| Cabins in the Forest
Upper Galilee - Amoka - B&BB&b's with fireplace's whit private chef's
..."How many log cabins do you know, which are located right on the top of a mountain? How many of them are actually, but right in the forest? How many of them give you a real feeling of connection with nature? And perhaps one of the more important questions: how many log cabins do you know, are located in the incredible depths? So the answer is - not many. Maybe lonely. And "Ali Galil" has three of them, which allow you to leave the cabin, start walking and end in a hidden corner in the thick of a magical pine forest , spread out a plaid blanket and stare at the treetops playing catch with the sun's rays. And when your favorite person is lying there next to you, it's even more amazing…” [From the words of the site critic, Alon Schwarzman] Advantages and disadvantages, a review from the field This is the second time in the last year that I visit the "Ali Galil" compound and it seems as if time passes by this place - which is located in an enchanted forest - and does not touch it, and that is good. The tall trees, the natural vegetation and the air full of oxygen - for me, this is the ultimate environment, one that expresses the added value of a deep location: the lungs expand, the eyes stop running and calmness takes control of the nervous system.
Home in Nature | Habait Bateva
Upper Galilee - Eliezer Square - B&BB&b's with fireplace's whit private chef's
Your Home in Nature is the essence of elegant simplicity, good taste and impeccable quality. If your soul craves the rare experience of relaxing in a luxurious stone suite, surrounded by the green of a lush orchard, bestowing inspiration and serenity - this is the place for you. A huge external Jacuzzi spa, a quality stone terrace, romantic touring paths among trees in the orchard, sophisticated, homemade breakfasts, and lots and lots of good taste on the part of the owners. This is the way romance is fashioned. By the way, the last season of Asfםur was filmed right here!
Four Seasons in the Galilee
Lower Galilee - Ilania - B&BB&b's with fireplace's whit private chef's
Four well-equipped and pampering cabins, in a spacious complex full of well-kept pastures with plenty of treats - we have found you the perfect complex for your next vacation
Peak Suites
Upper Galilee - Safsufa - Kfar Hoshan - B&b's with fireplace's whit private chef's
4 suites designed in a meticulous modern style, with an open view of Mount Miron, abundant with pampering amenities and proud of hospitality that takes care of every detail - at PEAK you will have the perfect vacation
Provence shel Bilha
Lower Galilee - Sde Ilan - B&BB&b's with fireplace's whit private chef's
In the midst of a fruit and olive grove nestle two particularly romantic country B&B vacation rentals, next to a swimming pool: Bella's cottages. This is a B&B vacation rental at the outskirts of the settlement, totally open to the nature around it. Very high-quality B&B vacation rentals that make use of natural materials and that radiate a luxurious, pleasant and clean country atmosphere. Around you is a variety of fruit trees with delicious fruit, and of course, there's Bella, your hostess, who is responsible for the fine taste in the design, for the home-baked goods served and for the tandem bicycle at your service. Israeli Provence at its best.
Shalva Ila'it
Upper Galilee - Safsufa - Kfar Hoshan - B&BB&b's with fireplace's whit private chef's
The The Ultimate Serenity, on Moshav Hoshen will make you feel like a child in a candy store: an exquisite interior design, a luxurious atmosphere, a rich variety of technologies and facilities, beauty and quality - all these make this B&B vacation rental very attractive, even to those used to very high standards.And with so many temptations, it's hard to decide what to do first: to swim in the private, heated pool? To relax in the sophisticated Jacuzzi Spa? Or to relax in the royal bed with excellent mattress and watch a romantic film? A treasure of romantic adventures await a loving couple, promising to make this an unforgettable vacation, saturated in love and magic.
Ahuzat Albani
Western Galilee - Ein Ya'akov - VilaB&b's with fireplace's whit private chef's
..."b This is definitely not a standard B&B. A couple who arrives here will have at their disposal a spacious, luxurious and well-designed structure that offers an uncompromising approach to hospitality. This is a perfect place for special romantic events: the hostess knows how to tell about marriage proposals, honeymoons and quite a few anniversaries that have been celebrated here and gives the impression that this place is especially suitable for this: a large and comfortable living room with luxurious furniture, a modern well-equipped kitchen, an indoor swimming pool, a spa jacuzzi - and not least - Sea view... " [From the words of the critic, Alon Schwartzman] Advantages and disadvantages - a review from the field So it's true, it's not a particularly cheap complex, but those who know how to appreciate quality get a good value for their money. A close examination of the materials revealed that they are of the highest scale, and this quality radiates at every corner: starting with the furniture of the bedrooms, the beautiful curtains, the bold design of the kitchen - and ending with the beauty of the outdoor complex adjacent to the villa. The smart architectural design opens the building to the view (from the head of the Nakra to the Western Galilee), which completes the special feeling that exists here.
Hanesicha Haksuma
Upper Galilee - Amirim - B&BB&b's with fireplace's whit private chef's
The Enchanted Princess's three cottages invite you for a romantic vacation in the midst of a natural forest, with its powerful energies of fire, water, air and earth ensure you'll be filled with renewed energies, harmony, balance and serenity. Like a poem...the cottages have been blessed with an abundance of wonderful qualities: an excellent location, the pastoral surroundings of a natural forest, and perhaps the most important: particularly friendly, hard-working hosts, who built this enchanting place according to Feng Shui.
Infinite View
Lower Galilee - Kfar Kish - B&BB&b's with fireplace's whit private chef's
This is a pair of unique wood cabins in the New England style, for guests who appreciate luxury and a very interesting vacation, across from the biblical scenery of Har Tavor and the Lower Galilee. Infinite Landscape is more than enchanting, at the center of one of Israel's most beautiful landscapes. The suites are amazingly beautiful, rich and luxurious, with a private swimming pool and Jacuzzi spa for each suite. These beautiful surroundings are waiting just for you…did someone mention champagne in the brook?
Mor & Levona Villa
Upper Galilee - Safsufa - Kfar Hoshan - VilaB&b's with fireplace's whit private chef's
..."הדבר שניכר מיד בוילה הזו, זו העובדה שלמרות שהיא מציעה מרחבים נדיבים, נשמרת בה עדיין תחושת האינטימיות הנעימה. ואולי הסיבה לכך טמונה בעברו המעניין של המבנה, שמסביר גם את התמקצעותם של המארחים בתחום האירוח: תחילה, שימש המבנה היפה כבית מגוריהם. בשלב מסוים הם פתחו 2 יחידות אירוח בחלקו התחתון, ולסיום הפכו את כולו לוילת אירוח מודרנית עם מתחם ספא ובריכה מקורה ומחוממת, שמציעה אירוח מושלם לעד 6 זוגות חברים או לחילופין, למשפחה מורחבת שמחפשת מקום נעים לנופש איכותי..."[מתוך דבר המבקר, אלון שוורצמן]יתרונות וחסרונות- סקירה מהשטחאני חייב לפתוח את חוות הדעת בסיפור אמיתי. דווקא אני, שסוקר לא מעט וילות במדריך הפסגה, הייתי צריך למצוא אחת למשפחתי המורחבת לרגל חגיגת אירוע חשוב. היה פשוט? ממש לא. לא הרבה מקומות מציעים מפרט שמאפשר סוג נופש שכזה."מור ולבונה" בהחלט מציעים את זה ואחד היתרונות הוא ששתי סוויטות שינה כאן בנויות כיחידות עצמאיות, עם כניסה נפרד. באופן כזה ניתן לשמור על פרטיות ולהציע חדרי שינה נפרדים להורים. מבחינתי- מדובר בפספוס. חבל שלא הכרתי כבר אז את מור, לבונה ו...את אסי, המארח.
Western Galilee - Kfar Varedim - VilaB&b's with fireplace's whit private chef's
On the one hand the atmosphere of a home, on the other hand all the possible indulgences - Osantha's house is the ultimate place for vacations with the people you love
Beit Ha'omanim
Upper Galilee - Safed - B&BB&b's with fireplace's whit private chef's
"What is this crazy place and how come I didn't know about it!?" I ask my father who opened his boutique hotel here. "Welcome to the artists' quarter," he replies, showing me another picturesque cafe hidden in the tangle of alleys. He opens a blue iron gate in a stone wall, and I find myself in a picturesque and intimate patio, thanking God that there are no flies here to enter my gaping mouth. Surrounding me are picturesque stone houses in shades of white and blue..." [From the words of the critic, Yair Sheinberg] Advantages and disadvantages - a review from the field Although, as in many boutique hotels, in some of the private suites in the outdoor areas (the balconies) partially. But those for whom privacy from a balcony is particularly important will be able to find a solution in some of the suites. The uniqueness of the structure and the beauty of this place makes it one of the special boutique hotels I have visited. In addition to the special design, on the roof, at a height of 800 meters above sea level, there is a shared spa complex that has a heated pool, a spa jacuzzi, a dry sauna and an age-old treatment room and all this in front of an amazing view of the old city. The 5 suites differ in size and shape - in one a huge space and in the other romantic intimacy and a vaulted ceiling. In the third the view speaks and in the fourth the privacy is excellent, but they all share a careful design that pays respect to the ancient character of the building. True, natural lighting does not always reach every corner due to the nature of the alleys, but these shadows are broken by the colored stained glass windows and create the special atmosphere here.
Eretz Arava | Land Accommodations in the Desert
Arava - Tsukim - B&b's with fireplace's whit private chef's
This spot belongs to those same dreams of a secluded, special, comfortable, well-equipped suite, right at the edge of the desert. There are no fences here, and the open horizon invites you to stroll. When your hosts designed and constructed this B&B vacation rental, they thought of every detail: the furniture, the authentic finishes, and even the development of the area around it, with complete respect for the natural desert. If you know how to identify quality in the desert quiet, you will enjoy it here, in ideal circumstances.
Habkatot Shel Michal
Upper Galilee - Amirim - B&BB&b's with fireplace's whit private chef's
Michal's cottages belong to that enchanting fairytale woven around Amirim. When our HaPisga Guide reviewer descended the steps into the flower-filled courtyard, the quiet serenity and green felt enchanting…colorful mobiles were hung between two secluded, pleasant cottages surrounded by green flora – the Duvdevan (Cherry) Suite and the Alon (Oak) cottage. She felt she had arrived at the perfect kingdom of the forest fairies…this site offers you the opportunity for a deep, other-world experience – a spiritual journey of secrecy, magic, charm and…love.
Capeland-a Galilean Experience in Matat
Western Galilee - Matat - VilaB&b's with fireplace's whit private chef's
..."פעם בכמה חודשים בא לי לעזוב את העיר, לקחת את אישתי וללכת לחיות בטבע. לא בסביבה "טבעית" עם כמה עצי פרי ומדשאה אלא ממש בטבע… כמו פעם כשהיינו ציידים-לקטים. על צלע הר, בתוך חורש טבעי ולמטה ערוץ שמתמלא במי גשם. הרי בתכל'ס מה אנחנו צריכים? אוהל שיגן מהגשם, עצים לצל, מזרון שטח וקצת אוכל.אז זהו… שלא! אחרי בדיוק שעה של פנטוז הפאניקה תוקפת אותי. אבל איך?! מה עם המיטה? הסרטים? המטבח? רמת החיים? אז נכון, טבע זה אחלה אבל שווה באמת לוותר על הכל?..."[מתוך דבר המבקר, אלון שוורצמן]יתרונות וחסרונות- סקירה מהשטחאז כאן נכנסת "קפלנד" לתמונה עם התשובה האולטימטיבית: קחו את המיקום שהוא באמת באמת בתוך הטבע, עם שבילי האבן הפראית, החורש הירוק והשמיים האינסופיים ושימו בתוכו את אחד המתחמים היותר יפים, איכותיים, "מתוקתקים" ומפנקים שאתם יכולים לדמיין. השילוב הזה הוא פשוט מטורף וגורם לי להרגיש שאני, את החלום שלי, מצאתי כאן. המתחם המיוחד הזה מכיל בית נופש ענק, ושתי סוויטות אותן ניתן לשכור לחוד, או כקומפלקס המתאים לזוגות חברים או משפחה מורחבת.
Hatira | Bahof Hacarmel
Carmel Beach - Kerem Maharal - VilaB&b's with fireplace's whit private chef's
When I talk about a castle you must understand that I mean a castle. Not for 'building in the style of...', not for 'design inspired by...' but for the real thing. castle. Completely authentic. 900 years old, to be precise, with a guest book that the first to sign were crusaders. Combine that with the fact that there are 3 suites full of character, and the fact that the castle is located at the highest point in the vineyard from the Harel with a lot of Carmel and a little sea and a lot of silence, and a spacious yard - and you got a place that wouldn't embarrass the scene where Lady Marian makes eyes at Robin Hood.
Pinchas and Gaston|Shvei Tzion
Western Galilee - Shavei Zion - B&b's with fireplace's whit private chef's
The Pinchas and Gaston Estate in Lyman and in Shevi Zion have already won every possible accolade as kings of romantic hospitatlity in Israel. And it's no wonder: these prestigious vacation rentals offer a perfect, luxurious, museum quality design; an excellent location on the seashore or in secluded suites; heated swiming pools, a hot tub, a wine cellar, extraordinary finishes and amenities, and above all, an indulgent, romantic atmosphere you won't find anywhere else in Israel and, perhaps, in the entire world. . We wouldn't be surprised if they filmed the next James Bond movie here:
Nihohot Provence
The Golan Heights and the Hermon - Had Nes - B&BB&b's with fireplace's whit private chef's
So what did the HaPisga Guide reviewer love so much here? The meticulous European design, elegant and graceful, the friendly personality of the hosts, the spacious swimming pool, the private Jacuzzi-spa, luxuries and surprises that await the guests, and above all – the floating, caressing atmosphere – that can only be defined as atmosphere with soul. Here, in these rooms designed in the European style with the fragrance of Provence, she imagined the refined Madame Bovary giving in to uncontrolled passions…
Western Galilee - Manot - B&BB&b's with fireplace's whit private chef's
Four meticulously designed suites that share a large, heated pool, alongside pleasant activity areas, and all in a Mediterranean atmosphere - at Batchi you celebrate the Galilee in style
Maskit Estate
Western Galilee - Liman - B&b's with fireplace's whit private chef's
The luxurious line of Ahuzat Maskit on Liman has long marked the way for luxurious vacation rentals in Israel, and the suites indeed meet the quality level of a boutique hotel, besides the advantages of a private B&B vacation rental. The suites are constructed in the New Mexico style: stone walls with high, vaulted ceilings, colorful stained glass vitrage windows. Complete with, a swimming pool, these vacation rentals have tons of character.
Ahuzat Yasmin
Upper Galilee - Rosh Pina - B&b's with fireplace's whit private chef's
A boutique hotel hidden in a Jerusalem stone mansion, with five luxurious suites, a well-kept courtyard with a pool that flows into the landscape, and endless pampering for body and soul
A Place in the Heart
Western Galilee - Abirim - B&BB&b's with fireplace's whit private chef's
If you find yourself looking for secluded B&B vacation rentals with a panoramic view and a sense of infinity – you will definitely find Makom Balev - A Place in the Heart and interesting option. We found here a secluded wood cabin with maximum privacy; from the outside we feel in love with the romantic cabin totally surrounded by forest, with the simply intoxicating scent of greenery in the air. The Jacuzzi also looks out into the woods and…the surprise of bamboo in the forest.
Kukuriku Suita Bakefar
The Golan Heights and the Hermon - Aniam - B&BB&b's with fireplace's whit private chef's
The uniqueness of Kukuriku is based on the fascinating contrast between the outside, pastoral surroundings and the urban design of the interior, the sophisticated play of "city vs. village". It allows its guests to enjoy the advantages of it all: the quiet beauty of the Golan Heights, the sights and sounds of nature, panoramic views, calm atmosphere, and the modern, artistic, luxurious atmosphere of a large, well-designed suite that has everything. And it's very close to an artists' village.
Yahalom Shel Nof
The Golan Heights and the Hermon - Had Nes - B&BB&b's with fireplace's whit private chef's
Just as one cannot ignore a precious diamond that shines and shimmers with a mesmerizing light, so the view here is the center of attention, drawing ravishing eyes to it. And just as a sparkling diamond requires an appropriate setting, so the view here is accompanied by advanced accessories, private pools, stylish design and a spectacular setting, full of taste and quality.
Ha'ahuza Bateva
Western Galilee - Goren - VilaB&b's with fireplace's whit private chef's
..."האחוזה בטבע, כמשתמע משמה, היא וילת אירוח איכותית מאוד, אשר שוכנת בטבע, וליתר דיוק על גבול שמורת נחל כזיב. בעצם, עם סיום הרחצה בבריכה היפהפיה המצויה על ה"דק" רחב הידיים, ניתן לא רק להביט בנוף הפנורמי, אלא פשוט לרדת לתוכו: במרחק הליכה תוכלו לרדת אל ערוץ הנחל, למבצר המונפורט או לפארק גורן. אם נצרף את זה לחללים פנימיים עם המון אסתטיקה, חלל ספא חיצוני מקורה ענק, וגישת אירוח עדכנית ואיכפתית, נקבל את אחת מוילות האירוח הטובות בצפון..."[מתוך דבר המבקר, אלון שוורצמן]יתרונות וחסרונות- סקירה מהשטחנכון, האחוזה בטבע לא מציעה חללי ענק, כנהוג במחוזותינו. מכירים את זה שבשביל לדבר עם מישהו בסלון צריך טלפון? לא כאן. מצד שני, החשיבה האדריכלית מכוונת אותך לעשות שימוש במרפסת המקורה הענקית, שניתנת לסגירה בחורף. מרחב המחיה הנוסף הזה מציע בריכת שחיה, ג'קוזי ספא, מתקני משחק ופינות ישיבה ש"יושבים" על אחד מנופי הגליל היפים יותר שבנמצא.
Shnei Shavlulim
The Golan Heights and the Hermon - Aniam - B&BB&b's with fireplace's whit private chef's alignment with the local basalt rocks 'growing' from the ground (in the first line of the view) two twin and connected suites built from the same basalt itself. I don't envy the person who had to collect these rocks and build from them, but I have to admit that he succeeded... the unhewn stone creates a different look than anything I've seen in the B&Bs"... [From the words of the critic, Yair Sheinberg]
Alon Hagalil
Western Galilee - Hanita - VilaB&b's with fireplace's whit private chef's
A well-equipped villa with 4 bedrooms, an open view that overlooks the sea, a beautiful private pool and a private forest that is right next door - in Alon Galil we found everything a family needs on vacation
Ahuzat Eden's
The Golan Heights and the Hermon - Had Nes - B&BB&b's with fireplace's whit private chef's
Everyone has their favorite style of hospitality. At Eden's you can choose the suite that connects to what you want from your vacation, and if you choose well you might even have a private and luxurious spa right next door.
Pinchas & Gaston | Limon
Western Galilee - Liman - B&BB&b's with fireplace's whit private chef's
The "Pinchas and Gaston" mansions in Lyman (in this opinion) and Shavei Zion have already won all possible crowns as the "kings" of romantic hospitality in Israel. And no wonder: the complexes offer a perfect luxury museum-level design, an excellent location on the sea line or in isolated suites, shared and private heated pools, a hot tab, a wine cellar, fittings and finishes of an extraordinary level, and above all - a luxurious atmosphere that you will not find anywhere else in Israel, and perhaps in the world. It wouldn't surprise us at all if the next James Bond movie was filmed there...
Villa Birkata
Western Galilee - Shomera - VilaB&b's with fireplace's whit private chef's
..."כשאני מתאר וילה בייתית וחמימה- אני מתכוון שאם הייתה לכם משפחת חברים במושב שהשאירו לכם את מפתחות הבית, לא הייתם מרגישים אחרת. מן העיצוב החמים עולה כי גרה כאן משפחה אוהבת ובעלת טעם טוב. הגינה מסביב קסומה, עם שבילי אבן וצמחייה מאושרת - יצחק הבעלים הוא אומן שגם מנגן על עוד וגם מתמחה בבנייה ופסיפס - ובאמת אי אפשר לפספס את זה בכל המתחם. פינות נוי ומרחבים ירוקים עוטפים את הבית. אפשר להבין היטב מדוע המקום נקרא "ברכתא"- "ברכה" בארמית..." [מתוך דבר המבקר, שרון חבצלת]יתרונות וחסרונות- סקירה מהשטחהתחושה הזו, של "ברכה", חודרת אל תוך העצמות כבר משלב חניית רכבכם וכניסתכם בשער (המאוד מיוחד) של מתחם זה, ועד לכניסתכם לוילה הנעימה ומסבירת הפנים עם הבריכה הצמודה. המבנה עצמו מכיל 5 חדרים- 4 עם מיטה זוגית ו-1 עם מיטות יחיד. ניתן לארח כאן משפחה גדולה או מספר זוגות חברים.