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Found 94
סינון לפי
קטגוריה מחיר
Deluxe B&B vacation rentals with a private, heated pool
Deluxe B&B vacation rentals with a Jacuzzi Spa
Deluxe B&B vacation rentals for the religious
Deluxe B&B vacation rentals- Dogs friendly
Deluxe B&B vacation rentals with access for the handicapped
Isolated deluxe B&B vacation rentals
Deluxe B&B vacation rentals with a view
For families
for couples only
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Deluxe B&B vacation rentals with a private, heated pool
indoor swimming pool
Deluxe B&B vacation rentals with access for the handicapped
B&B vacation rentals with private Hot Tub
Deluxe B&B vacation rentals for the religious
Deluxe B&B vacation rentals with a view
Deluxe B&B vacation rentals- Dogs friendly
Isolated deluxe B&B vacation rentals
Personal favorites
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Luxurious, deluxe B&B vacation rentals
Especially romantic, deluxe B&B vacation rentals
B&B vacation rentals that offer a panoramic view
Isolated place
B&B vacation rentals next to the sea
B&B vacation rentals with Vegan hospitality
Deluxe B&B vacation rentals with body treatments
Secluded B&B vacation rentals
Isolated deluxe B&B vacation rentals
Must-have treats
0 Selected
Deluxe B&B vacation rentals with a private, heated pool
indoor swimming pool
B&B vacation rentals with private swimming pool
Deluxe B&B vacation rentals with swimming pool
B&B vacation rentals with private Hot Tub
Ecological, deluxe B&B vacation rentals
B&B vacation rentals with heated pool
Deluxe B&B vacation rentals with a Jacuzzi Spa
Deluxe B&B vacation rentals with a fireplace
Deluxe B&B vacation rentals with a sauna
B&B vacation rentals with wet saunas
Design and atmosphere
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Deluxe B&B vacation rentals in a special design
Suited for
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Deluxe B&B vacation rental accommodation for groups of friends
Special occasions
Deluxe B&B vacation rentals with access for the handicapped
Deluxe B&B vacation rentals for the religious
Deluxe B&B vacation rentals- Dogs friendly
Deluxe B&B vacation rentals for movie lovers
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Deluxe B&B vacation rental accommodation:new to the website
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Culinary vacation
Honeymoon suites
B&B vacation rentals for the snowy season
Deluxe B&B vacation rentals with a view
B&B vacation rentals with boutique wineries
Show Results

B&b's with sauna's for families

Pnina Bagolan
The Golan Heights and the Hermon
Had Nes
2 Guest units
New on the site
Available Options
Available Options

טל ובר

Starting from
₪820 Per night
  • 40 M²
  • 1 Bedrooms
  • Up to 5 Guests
  • Deluxe B&B vacation rentals with a view
  • Deluxe B&B vacation rentals with body treatments
  • Deluxe B&B vacation rentals with a sauna
  • Deluxe B&B vacation rentals- Dogs friendly
  • Deluxe B&B vacation rental accommodation for groups of friends

רותם ובן

Starting from
₪910 Per night
  • 48 M²
  • 2 Bedrooms
  • Up to 7 Guests
  • Deluxe B&B vacation rentals with a view
  • Deluxe B&B vacation rentals with body treatments
  • Deluxe B&B vacation rentals with a sauna
  • Deluxe B&B vacation rentals- Dogs friendly
  • Deluxe B&B vacation rental accommodation for groups of friends


Starting from
₪1,850 Per night
  • 100 M²
  • 3 Bedrooms
  • Up to 9 Guests
  • Deluxe B&B vacation rentals with a view
  • Deluxe B&B vacation rentals with body treatments
  • Deluxe B&B vacation rentals with a sauna
  • Deluxe B&B vacation rentals- Dogs friendly
  • Deluxe B&B vacation rental accommodation for groups of friends

Full Info

לחצו כאן
When is your vacation?
Book a place 053-9384484
Piazza del Sol couples only
The Golan Heights and the Hermon
Had Nes
131 Review
Available Options
Available Options


Starting from
₪1,200 Per night
  • 40 M²
  • 1 Bedrooms
  • Up to 2 Guests
  • Deluxe B&B vacation rentals with only one unit in the building
  • Private jacuzzi in the unit
  • Deluxe B&B vacation rentals with a sauna
  • Deluxe B&B vacation rentals recommended by Internet surfers
  • Particularly luxurious and indulging deluxe B&B vacation rentals


Starting from
₪1,200 Per night
  • 40 M²
  • 1 Bedrooms
  • Up to 2 Guests
  • Deluxe B&B vacation rentals with only one unit in the building
  • Private jacuzzi in the unit
  • Deluxe B&B vacation rentals with a sauna
  • Deluxe B&B vacation rentals recommended by Internet surfers
  • Particularly luxurious and indulging deluxe B&B vacation rentals


Starting from
₪1,500 Per night
  • 37 M²
  • 1 Bedrooms
  • Up to 2 Guests
  • Deluxe B&B vacation rentals with only one unit in the building
  • Deluxe B&B vacation rentals with a private, heated pool
  • Private jacuzzi in the unit
  • Deluxe B&B vacation rentals with a sauna
  • Deluxe B&B vacation rentals recommended by Internet surfers

Full Info

לחצו כאן
When is your vacation?
Book a place 053-8007686
Bein Haoranim
Lower Galilee
Mitzpe Adi
159 Review
Available Options
Available Options

הצפונית והדרומית

Starting from
₪1,000 Per night
  • 57 M²
  • 1 Bedrooms
  • Up to 4 Guests
  • Isolated deluxe B&B vacation rentals
  • Deluxe B&B vacation rentals with a view
  • Deluxe B&B vacation rentals with a private, heated pool
  • Deluxe B&B vacation rentals with a sauna
  • Deluxe B&B vacation rentals recommended by Internet surfers

Full Info

לחצו כאן
When is your vacation?
Book a place 053-7933179
The Golan Heights and the Hermon
Had Nes
2 Guest units
483 Review
Available Options
Available Options

בקתת ירדן | חן

Starting from
₪900 Per night
  • 45 M²
  • Up to 2 Guests
  • Deluxe B&B vacation rentals with a view
  • Deluxe B&B vacation rentals with a sauna
  • Especially romantic, deluxe B&B vacation rentals
  • Deluxe B&B vacation rental accommodation for groups of friends


Starting from
₪900 Per night
  • 60 M²
  • Up to 2 Guests
  • Deluxe B&B vacation rentals with a view
  • Deluxe B&B vacation rentals with a sauna
  • Especially romantic, deluxe B&B vacation rentals
  • Deluxe B&B vacation rental accommodation for groups of friends

Full Info

לחצו כאן
When is your vacation?
Book a place 053-9429788
Zimmero Biktot Ha'etz Shel Miro
Upper Galilee
5 B&B's
1 Review
Available Options
Available Options


Starting from
₪850 Per night
  • 30 M²
  • 1 Bedrooms
  • Up to 5 Guests
  • Deluxe B&B vacation rentals with a sauna
  • Deluxe B&B vacation rental accommodation for groups of friends
  • Special occasions

בקתה משפחתית

Starting from
₪950 Per night
  • 45 M²
  • 2 Bedrooms
  • Up to 6 Guests
  • Deluxe B&B vacation rentals with a sauna
  • Deluxe B&B vacation rental accommodation for groups of friends
  • Special occasions

כל המתחם

Starting from
₪7,000 Per night
  • 9 Bedrooms
  • Up to 37 Guests
  • Deluxe B&B vacation rentals with a private, heated pool
  • B&B vacation rentals with private Hot Tub
  • Deluxe B&B vacation rentals with a sauna
  • Deluxe B&B vacation rental accommodation for groups of friends
  • Special occasions

4 זוגות+ ילדים

Starting from
₪3,400 Per night
  • 4 Bedrooms
  • Up to 20 Guests
  • B&B vacation rentals with private Hot Tub
  • Deluxe B&B vacation rentals with a sauna
  • Deluxe B&B vacation rental accommodation for groups of friends
  • Special occasions

Full Info

לחצו כאן
When is your vacation?
Book a place 053-6239673
Guests share their experiences:
Marganit Bagalil
Western Galilee
17 Review
Available Options
Available Options


Starting from
₪950 Per night
  • 50 M²
  • 2 Bedrooms
  • Up to 5 Guests
  • Open view from inside the unit
  • Deluxe B&B vacation rentals with a sauna
  • Isolated place
  • Deluxe B&B vacation rentals- Dogs friendly
  • Especially romantic, deluxe B&B vacation rentals


Starting from
₪950 Per night
  • 50 M²
  • 2 Bedrooms
  • Up to 5 Guests
  • Open view from inside the unit
  • Deluxe B&B vacation rentals with a sauna
  • Isolated place
  • Deluxe B&B vacation rentals- Dogs friendly
  • Especially romantic, deluxe B&B vacation rentals

Full Info

לחצו כאן
When is your vacation?
Book a place 053-9384472
Raphael Estate
Western Galilee
Even Menahem
One guest unit
68 Review
Available Options
Available Options

סוויטת רפאל- לזוגות בלבד

Starting from
₪1,700 Per night
  • 90 M²
  • 1 Bedrooms
  • Up to 2 Guests
  • Deluxe B&B vacation rentals with a view
  • Deluxe B&B vacation rentals with a private, heated pool
  • B&B vacation rentals with private Hot Tub
  • Especially romantic, deluxe B&B vacation rentals

Full Info

לחצו כאן
When is your vacation?
Book a place 053-9429812
Hazimmer Hayarok Vehadom
The Golan Heights and the Hermon
Maale Gamla
14 Review
Available Options
Available Options

הצימר האדום

Starting from
₪970 Per night
  • 42 M²
  • 1 Bedrooms
  • Up to 3 Guests
  • Deluxe B&B vacation rentals- Dogs friendly
  • Deluxe B&B vacation rentals in a special design

הצימר הירוק

Starting from
₪970 Per night
  • 42 M²
  • 1 Bedrooms
  • Up to 3 Guests
  • Deluxe B&B vacation rentals- Dogs friendly
  • Deluxe B&B vacation rentals in a special design

Full Info

לחצו כאן
When is your vacation?
Book a place 053-6223371
Ayelet Ahavim
Sea of Galilee Area
328 Review
Available Options
Available Options

איילת אהבים

Starting from
₪1,100 Per night
  • 40 M²
  • 1 Bedrooms
  • Up to 4 Guests
  • Open view from inside the unit
  • Private jacuzzi in the unit
  • Deluxe B&B vacation rentals with a sauna
  • Especially romantic, deluxe B&B vacation rentals

מתחם פרטי ל3 משפחות

Starting from
₪3,100 Per night
  • 3 Bedrooms
  • Up to 12 Guests
  • Deluxe B&B vacation rentals with a view
  • Especially romantic, deluxe B&B vacation rentals
  • Culinary vacation

Full Info

לחצו כאן
When is your vacation?
Book a place 053-9429815
New on the site
Available Options
Available Options

גולף רזידנס

בחרו תאריך
  • 3 Bedrooms
  • Up to 8 Guests
  • B&B vacation rentals next to the sea
  • Deluxe B&B vacation rentals with a sauna
  • Deluxe B&B vacation rental accommodation for groups of friends

Full Info

לחצו כאן
When is your vacation?
Book a place 053-7292716
What our visitors say
Bein Haoranim Lower Galilee - Mitzpe Adi - B&BB&b's with sauna's for families
​המקום המיוחד הזה מציע איכות אחרת, אירופאית. הבניה בעץ, המפלסים השונים, נוף יער האורנים, הבריכה הפרטית לכל יחידה, והכניסה לפרטים הקטנים, המדוייקים, אלה שעושים את ההבדל ואת החופשה. אבל לא על זה רצינו לדבר. רצינו לדבר אתכם על כימיה, ולייתר דיוק-  על יונים שליליים.[מתוך דבר מבקר האתר, אלון שוורצמן]יתרונות וחסרונות, סקירה מהשטח:נכון, אנחנו מדריך לנופש רומנטי, אבל אנחנו חייבים להסביר כאן, מבחינה כימית, את מה שקרה למבקר האתר כשהוא עמד על ה"דק", אל מול היער: הריאות פשוט נפתחו לו. ולזה אחראים היונים השליליים המצויים בשפע במולקולות האוויר כאן. והסיבה היא העצים הרבים אשר מעשירים את החמצן כאן. כמה פשוט- ככה טוב.​
Marganit Bagalil Western Galilee - Tsuriel - B&BB&b's with sauna's for families
..."Marganit in the Galilee" has many advantages - it starts with the fact that on 5 spacious acres, covered in vegetation and with a panoramic view, there are only 2 vacation units. It continues with the amenities that offer a heated, indoor swimming pool (modular) and a spa complex that includes a jacuzzi and sauna. However, one of the main advantages of the place is precisely the hospitality approach of the hosts, people from the big world who have traveled quite a bit themselves, absorbed the atmosphere of abroad and radiate quite a bit of a European mentality to their surroundings: politeness, courtesy, keeping promises, meticulousness in maintenance and cleanliness and self-work, almost without the help of professionals, so that everything turns out "exactly as we wanted"... Advantages and disadvantages - a review from the field "Marganit Bagalil" is reminiscent of the hospitality culture of the past, when the rural vacation industry was just taking its first steps. Perhaps it's the conservative design of the wooden cabins, which does not appeal to an audience looking for "innovations and inventions," but simply to relax from the hustle and bustle, to rest well in a comfortable and cozy rural vacation cabin. Make no mistake, there is everything you need here - for example - a 200X200 bed, a wood-burning fireplace, and an outdoor area with a heated and covered pool, a spa jacuzzi and a sauna. There is a spa complex shared by both units and a heated, indoor swimming pool (modular) facing the view, surrounded by a large and spacious area and a "living space" that is full of vegetation, hammocks and seating areas, allowing the residents of both units to enjoy a stress-free vacation.
Hazimmer Hayarok Vehadom The Golan Heights and the Hermon - Maale Gamla - B&BB&b's with sauna's for families
Two cabins with a unique design, with a pleasant wading pool surrounded by vegetation, all combined with local materials and without a single piece of plastic - in the green and red B&B lie secrets that are fun to discover
Ayelet Ahavim Sea of Galilee Area - Levanim - B&BB&b's with sauna's for families
The uniqueness of the B&Bs in Moshav Livnim on the Sea of Galilee is that they overlook a breathtaking view that combines the green of nature and the blue of a lake. "Ayelet Ahavim" takes this further and also offers a treatment center and spa, with a swimming pool, dry sauna, special treatments and a separate spa complex. "Ayelet Ahavim" does provide a luxurious vacation, but they also take great care of romance.
Zimmer Boutique Harimon The Golan Heights and the Hermon - Maale Gamla - B&BB&b's with sauna's for families
A boutique family zimmer overlooking the Sea of Galilee, a stream pool next to a dry sauna, a campfire corner, and a host of surprises and treats at the expense of the house - Ramon really thought of everything  
Piazza del Sol couples only The Golan Heights and the Hermon - Had Nes - B&BB&b's with sauna's for families
An invested complex with a design concept for each B&B, amazing breakfast-chef meals and a winning location in the Golan - Piazza del Sol is a complex for those who like their holidays particularly meticulous and pampering
Anicha The Golan Heights and the Hermon - Had Nes - B&BB&b's with sauna's for families
The name "Anicha" comes from the world of Vipassana and means: "Rest! and move on". In this case the meaning is: come to a miracle. This settlement is one of the best observation points on the Sea of Galilee. Luxurious romantic B&Bs that combine pampering, comfort, an impressive view, a sauna, a heated swimming pool, and hosts with lots of good intentions that translate well in the field.
Li Yam Spa Suite Western Galilee - Yanuch-Jeth - B&BB&b's with sauna's for families
The Li Yam Suite is colorful, surprising and super original - this is a unique complex that combines a hospitality experience with diverse spa treatments and cosmetics, in a colorful and unusual package
Raphael Estate Western Galilee - Even Menahem - B&b's with sauna's for families
To simplify things, this luxurious complex has 3 very significant advantages: a wonderful, green, cylindrical and open view from each of the suites, very impressive amenities including a spa jacuzzi and a heated, indoor swimming pool for each of the suites, and excellent privacy resulting from the smart design of the complex. In an era when every complex is becoming a "luxury mansion", it's nice to know that you can tick these important things.
Ha Ofek Hayarok Western Galilee - Zareit - B&BB&b's with sauna's for families
A green and open view, a pool on the height, a super cool campfire corner and plenty of attractions for the whole family - the green horizon is a complex that will be suitable for hosting up to 4 couples, or for a family in different formations.
Ahuzat Brazilai Western Galilee - Shlomi - B&BB&b's with sauna's for families
Are you looking for a complex for a vacation with friends or a vacation for the extended family that will have everything? Look what we found: a country estate that offers a spacious outdoor complex with a beautiful heated pool for the winter days, four cozy wooden cabins, a large spa jacuzzi, a snooker room and a large dining room where you can also hold small events. Sounds good? keep reading
HaBayit HaChom Arava - Sapir - B&b's with sauna's for families
The "Brown House" is a colorful and elaborate guest house, striking in its view and super special atmosphere - the brown house in Sapir in the Arava is the dream of every Instagram user. The furniture is recycled and super vintage, the concept is ecological and the experience is desert like the poet intended.
Capeland-a Galilean Experience in Matat Western Galilee - Matat - VilaB&b's with sauna's for families
..."פעם בכמה חודשים בא לי לעזוב את העיר, לקחת את אישתי וללכת לחיות בטבע. לא בסביבה "טבעית" עם כמה עצי פרי ומדשאה אלא ממש בטבע… כמו פעם כשהיינו ציידים-לקטים. על צלע הר, בתוך חורש טבעי ולמטה ערוץ שמתמלא במי גשם. הרי בתכל'ס מה אנחנו צריכים? אוהל שיגן מהגשם, עצים לצל, מזרון שטח וקצת אוכל.אז זהו… שלא! אחרי בדיוק שעה של פנטוז הפאניקה תוקפת אותי. אבל איך?! מה עם המיטה? הסרטים? המטבח? רמת החיים? אז נכון, טבע זה אחלה אבל שווה באמת לוותר על הכל?..."[מתוך דבר המבקר, אלון שוורצמן]יתרונות וחסרונות- סקירה מהשטחאז כאן נכנסת "קפלנד" לתמונה עם התשובה האולטימטיבית: קחו את המיקום שהוא באמת באמת בתוך הטבע, עם שבילי האבן הפראית, החורש הירוק והשמיים האינסופיים ושימו בתוכו את אחד המתחמים היותר יפים, איכותיים, "מתוקתקים" ומפנקים שאתם יכולים לדמיין. השילוב הזה הוא פשוט מטורף וגורם לי להרגיש שאני, את החלום שלי, מצאתי כאן. המתחם המיוחד הזה מכיל בית נופש ענק, ושתי סוויטות אותן ניתן לשכור לחוד, או כקומפלקס המתאים לזוגות חברים או משפחה מורחבת.
Grand Vista Upper Galilee - Kfar Yuval - B&b's with sauna's for families
Up the mountain, somewhere in the village of Yuval in the north, is a warm and luxurious country hotel that is entirely focused on one goal: to provide its guests with an authentic and peaceful Galilean experience.
Hatira | Bahof Hacarmel Carmel Beach - Kerem Maharal - VilaB&b's with sauna's for families
When I talk about a castle you must understand that I mean a castle. Not for 'building in the style of...', not for 'design inspired by...' but for the real thing. castle. Completely authentic. 900 years old, to be precise, with a guest book that the first to sign were crusaders. Combine that with the fact that there are 3 suites full of character, and the fact that the castle is located at the highest point in the vineyard from the Harel with a lot of Carmel and a little sea and a lot of silence, and a spacious yard - and you got a place that wouldn't embarrass the scene where Lady Marian makes eyes at Robin Hood.
Baktot Bekerm Zait The Golan Heights and the Hermon - Eli Ad - B&BB&b's with sauna's for families
In a huge olive grove, among the trees and the paths paved with basalt rock that magically glows in the moonlight are two spacious, high-quality wood cabins.  The decks look out over green fields, providing maximum privacy.  Not far from the hammock swinging in the breeze from the olive grove is a lovely dry sauna.  But the feather in the cap is the best massage bed in the world:  it's the perfect massage without a masseur.  Not for nothing has this location been rated among the 10 best vacation rentals in Ma'ariv's Best of 2010. 
Love Villa Western Galilee - Ein Ya'akov - VilaB&b's with sauna's for families
This is a private kingdom, well-secluded, wonderfully designed and equipped, constructed to fulfil your wildest dreams.  The large building has a joint hall and two elegant bedrooms, and right next to them, a heated swimming pool facing the view of the north. The outside area has a huge Jacuzzi Spa, a dry sauna and bbq corner.  There are also two extra rooms on the lower level, for additional couples or pairs of couples.  However, if you prefer an intimate vacation without intruders, Love Villa will open its gates midweek for single couples or two couples - at truly reasonable prices.
Hasuita Hanessiotit Western Galilee - Goren - B&BB&b's with sauna's for families
We recommend this experience to all those who are used to living under royal conditions and all those who would like to try, at least once in their lives.  Where do we start?  If the photos aren't enough, you can obtain a full impression in the reviews.  We'll only mention a private pool, armchairs and mattresses that caress and massage you, a Jacuzzi that looks like a spaceship and a tv screen so big that it won't take much imagination to feel like you're "right in the movie".  This place is a real dream.
Peak Suites Upper Galilee - Safsufa - Kfar Hoshan - B&b's with sauna's for families
4 suites designed in a meticulous modern style, with an open view of Mount Miron, abundant with pampering amenities and proud of hospitality that takes care of every detail - at PEAK you will have the perfect vacation
Al Hakatse Western Galilee - Shtula - B&BB&b's with sauna's for families
..."דמיינו מתחם שבו העשיה מעולם לא נפסקת. כלומר- גם אחרי שהמקום נבנה ונפתח לקהל, ישנם מארח שבמו ידיו ממשיך, על בסיס יומיומי, לפתח את המתחם- את השבילים, את הנוי, את האבזור, את הירוק והחום והכחול ושוב את הירוק  ולא מפסיק לרגע לצייר על החלקה הזו משום שזו בעצם היצירה המתמשכת שלו, היצירה של חייו.אדם כזה נמצא בתחום הנופש לא כי זה רווחי, או כי זה היה החלום שלו. הוא שם כי הוא מתייחס אל המקום כמו אמן שתמיד ימצא איך לשפר את יצירתו. וכזה הוא מתחם "על הקצה": היצירה של מאיר..."[מתוך דבר המבקר, אור בן ברק]
Mor & Levona Villa Upper Galilee - Safsufa - Kfar Hoshan - VilaB&b's with sauna's for families
..."הדבר שניכר מיד בוילה הזו, זו העובדה שלמרות שהיא מציעה מרחבים נדיבים, נשמרת בה עדיין תחושת האינטימיות הנעימה. ואולי הסיבה לכך טמונה בעברו המעניין של המבנה, שמסביר גם את התמקצעותם של המארחים בתחום האירוח: תחילה, שימש המבנה היפה כבית מגוריהם. בשלב מסוים הם פתחו 2 יחידות אירוח בחלקו התחתון, ולסיום הפכו את כולו לוילת אירוח מודרנית עם מתחם ספא ובריכה מקורה ומחוממת, שמציעה אירוח מושלם לעד 6 זוגות חברים או לחילופין, למשפחה מורחבת שמחפשת מקום נעים לנופש איכותי..."[מתוך דבר המבקר, אלון שוורצמן]יתרונות וחסרונות- סקירה מהשטחאני חייב לפתוח את חוות הדעת בסיפור אמיתי. דווקא אני, שסוקר לא מעט וילות במדריך הפסגה, הייתי צריך למצוא אחת למשפחתי המורחבת לרגל חגיגת אירוע חשוב. היה פשוט? ממש לא. לא הרבה מקומות מציעים מפרט שמאפשר סוג נופש שכזה."מור ולבונה" בהחלט מציעים את זה ואחד היתרונות הוא ששתי סוויטות שינה כאן בנויות כיחידות עצמאיות, עם כניסה נפרד. באופן כזה ניתן  לשמור על פרטיות ולהציע חדרי שינה נפרדים להורים. מבחינתי- מדובר בפספוס. חבל שלא הכרתי כבר אז את מור, לבונה ו...את אסי, המארח.
Ahuzat Yasmin Upper Galilee - Rosh Pina - B&b's with sauna's for families
A boutique hotel hidden in a Jerusalem stone mansion, with five luxurious suites, a well-kept courtyard with a pool that flows into the landscape, and endless pampering for body and soul
Ahavtia The Golan Heights and the Hermon - Had Nes - B&BB&b's with sauna's for families
This is one of the pleasant complexes in Had-Ness, which offers an excellent location, facing the landscape, and with three invested units. What's special here are the high-quality common recreation areas - a heated pool, a stream pool, a spa jacuzzi, a sauna, and even a separate outdoor kitchen for cooking shared meals. Any group of friends or family will feel very comfortable here. There is also an excellent response here for couples due to the good privacy in the units themselves.
Ketamar Yifrah Boutique Estate Western Galilee - Yaara - VilaB&b's with sauna's for families
The owners of the boutique hotel Ketamar Tifrach take you seriously.  Four elegant suites fulfill the wildest, grandiose fantasy of Israeli vacationing:  a giant (50 meter) private swimming pool for each couple, a huge Jacuzzi Spa in some of the suites, a private, dry sauna, a giant, adjustable bed (200 x 240!) and a breathtaking view.  And these are only some of the things you'll find here...
Pina Balev Upper Galilee - Rosh Pina - B&b's with sauna's for families
An ancient stone building that was restored and transformed from an old peasant's estate into a beautiful B&B complex, full of character and atmosphere, quiet and greenery. The interior garden is full of hiding places, and in the back orchard you can "get lost" and come back straight for a dip in the wading pool. Magical, did we say?  
Osnata Western Galilee - Kfar Varedim - VilaB&b's with sauna's for families
On the one hand the atmosphere of a home, on the other hand all the possible indulgences - Osantha's house is the ultimate place for vacations with the people you love
Nof Carmim Upper Galilee - Kerem Ben Zamra - B&b's with sauna's for families
Just when I think I've seen everything, Shula leads me to the back of the house and I realize I haven't seen anything. We go down the stairs on the steep hillside, and below one of the most beautiful pools I've ever seen is revealed. Where to start? of the size? From the high standard? Maybe the vineyard crane across the street? When Shula says that she has already hosted a Prime Minister, I am surprised that only one
Pnina Bagolan The Golan Heights and the Hermon - Had Nes - B&BB&b's with sauna's for families
"..."After all, for the most part, life is pretty good, I have to admit. But when I met Pnina and Aryeh - the hosts of "Pnina in the Golan" - I realized that everything is relative. Because who among us doesn't want to leave everything one day and travel the world? So there you have it, they really did it. They left their jobs, a beautiful and spacious house and started to really - but really - live. They move between countries, gain experiences, meet new people of all kinds and stay in lots of places. They brought the insights they gained from the places they stayed with them to this special complex. The result is a large resort estate, but not too large, 7 beautiful suites built with a lot of attention, made of solid wood, and all facing a large, heated pool, built in a beautiful inner courtyard that contains, among other things, a professional outdoor kitchen with a BBQ smoker, a spa complex, sauna and treatments, and leisure activities that make you want to get out of the suite for a bit..." [From the reviewer, Alon Schwartzman] Advantages and disadvantages - a review from the field Those who come to "Penina Begalan" and are looking for privacy can get it between the wooden beams of the cabin. Because here the concept is different: the outdoor area of the suites simply "asks" guests to enjoy the idea of spending time together. True, you can simply sit on the balcony and look out over what is happening, and you can actually take an active part in what is happening around you. This is a large vacation estate, but not too large, one that appeals to a quality audience that knows how to appreciate a good place, as well as to groups of friends who can take the entire complex.
Zimmero Biktot Ha'etz Shel Miro Upper Galilee - Eliphelet - B&BB&b's with sauna's for families
A huge complex that includes a pampering private spa, a large fenced pool, and 7 rooms that will suit a perfect, nurturing family vacation in a rural atmosphere.
Villa Birkata Western Galilee - Shomera - VilaB&b's with sauna's for families
..."כשאני מתאר וילה בייתית וחמימה- אני מתכוון שאם הייתה לכם משפחת חברים במושב שהשאירו לכם את מפתחות הבית, לא הייתם מרגישים אחרת. מן העיצוב החמים עולה כי גרה כאן משפחה אוהבת ובעלת טעם טוב. הגינה מסביב קסומה, עם שבילי אבן וצמחייה מאושרת - יצחק הבעלים הוא אומן שגם מנגן על עוד וגם מתמחה בבנייה ופסיפס - ובאמת אי אפשר לפספס את זה בכל המתחם. פינות נוי ומרחבים ירוקים עוטפים את הבית. אפשר להבין היטב מדוע המקום נקרא "ברכתא"- "ברכה" בארמית..."  [מתוך דבר המבקר, שרון חבצלת]יתרונות וחסרונות- סקירה מהשטחהתחושה הזו, של "ברכה", חודרת אל תוך העצמות כבר משלב חניית רכבכם וכניסתכם בשער (המאוד מיוחד) של מתחם זה, ועד לכניסתכם לוילה הנעימה ומסבירת הפנים עם הבריכה הצמודה.  המבנה עצמו מכיל 5 חדרים- 4 עם מיטה זוגית ו-1 עם מיטות יחיד. ניתן לארח כאן משפחה גדולה או מספר זוגות חברים.
Ahuzat Nativ Western Galilee - Netoa - VilaB&b's with sauna's for families
At Netiv Mansion, think of all the guests without exception - here you will find a children's playground, games and facilities for the whole family, a heated pool and five pampering master rooms 
Villa Bianchini The Dead Sea and the Judean Desert - Ein Bokek and the Dead Sea - VilaB&b's with sauna's for families
When you think of a vacation villa, you immediately sail to pleasant regions. But this time let me sail with you to the Dead Sea, and just as importantly, put you in a vacation atmosphere with a bathing suit and flip-flops into the Biankini resort - with an adjacent beach, a mini market, a restaurant and other services. You probably already understood: the experience I had visiting this villa was different. And not only because of the special and free environment but also because of the special design work in which the place was built: an amazing contemporary oriental language, with plenty of spacious spaces and quite a bit of facilitation inside the villa as well.
Biktot Eden Sea of Galilee Area - Ramot - B&BB&b's with sauna's for families
In Moshav Ramot, near the Sea of Galilee, there is a hospitality complex that will remind you of all the good things about a vacation - a rural environment full of vegetation, warm cabins, a refreshing pool, and an excellent space for quality time together - Eden cabins maintain an old and good hospitality tradition   
Kesem BaGolan The Golan Heights and the Hermon - Had Nes - B&BB&b's with sauna's for families
What I liked about "Magic in the Golan" is the feeling that this place, in the way it was designed, connects those staying there to go through a shared experience. I was able to really imagine how a group of good friends or a large family gathers here, in the central complex, someone jumps into the pool water, two cute people are in charge of the fire, someone makes coffee in the outdoor kitchen and I'm in the middle, joining the one who produces the most attractive attraction :)
Villa Latte Western Galilee - Goren - VilaB&b's with sauna's for families
..."The "rurality" of this complex gives it a high added value: the owners have an agricultural farm in front of the entrance to the moshav (goren) where they raise goats and produce milk ("latte" in Italian). They combine in the hospitality the possibility of taking tours of the farm, going on horse trips , eating breakfast in nature and above all experiencing the agricultural world from a different place..." [From the word of the critic, Alon Schwartzman] Advantages and disadvantages - a review from the field True, the "rurality" is also found in the small details, so don't expect "exploded" finishing levels. On the other hand - the villa itself offers several advantages - the complex is completely closed and allows excellent privacy for 2 couples (up to 10 people). An outdoor indoor complex contains a heated pool and is also suitable for winter days with a large spa jacuzzi and Finnish sauna.
Argaman Suites Upper Galilee - Safed - B&b's with sauna's for families
Stone boutique suites with a spa complex in the heart of the old city - Crimson Suites are a fusion of modern indulgence and historical atmosphere
Ahuzat Shirat Hahar Upper Galilee - Safsufa - Kfar Hoshan - VilaB&b's with sauna's for families
..."האחוזה המטופחת הזו, המיועדת לקבוצה גדולה או זוגות שלא מפחדים ממינגלינג, מצליחה לעמוד באתגר מעניין: בנוסף לוילות ולצימרים הרחבים והיפים, יש לנו כאן מתחם נעים ואלגנטי, המאובזר בכל מה שצריך כדי להרגיש טוב ולא להשתעמם לרגע: בריכה גדולה, מחוממת ומקורה, חדר ספא נעים ביותר עם סאונה יבשה וג'קוזי, פינות למתקנים שונים: טרמפולינה, הוקי אוויר, שולחנות פינג פונג וכדור רגל, ולשלל האטרקציות האלו נוסף לאחרונה גם חדר סנוקר מגניב.אבל זה לא הכול: איריס, המארחת שדואגת לכל פרט, גאה במיוחד בחדר האוכל הגדול עם המטבח הצמוד שעומד לרשותם של הנופשים כאן, שלוקחים לעצמם זמן איכות לבשל ולשבת לאכול בצוותא. .."[מתוך דבר המבקרת, ליזה אמויאל]יתרונות וחסרונות- סקירה מהשטחספסופה בשמו המקראי והיותר מוכר מהרשמי (כפר חושן), שוכן קרוב מאד להר מירון, הלב המיסטי של הצפון. זו הזדמנות להזכיר כי קברי צדיקים וקבליסטים הם לא לדתיים בלבד, ושהנופים התנ"כיים והאגדות המרתקות שסביבם הם תענוג לכל אוהבי טבע, היסטוריה ודברי חכמה. אחוזת שירת ההר נמצאת ברחוב שקט של המושב הכפרי והשקט (למעט קרקורי מטילות מהמתחם הסמוך)  ולאורחים חנייה פרטית בתוך המתחם, עם שער חשמלי ושלט רחוק שניתן לכל אורח.
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B&b's with sauna's for families
Romantic, deluxe B&B's with private wet sauna/dry sauna B&b's which are specialy designed to host families

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