Complete privacy, private pool and excellent view
When I go up to the compound, I am aware of the greatest advantage of this place: privacy. It starts with the fact that each of the two stone buildings has a private parking lot and a separate entrance. It continues when the gate opens and your eyes are filled with blue – of the distant sea and the private pool set in the yard – and all around there are bamboo walls for complete privacy and only the west direction is open to the sea. That's how you build a wall.
I arrive at Ein Yaakov, located between Tarshiha and Yehiam on a green hill overlooking the sea, look back to make sure no tourist buses have followed me, and go in. Gadi, the owner, is waiting with a cup of tea and a childlike smile. He says that he used to be a full-time farmer, and I think it would be a shame to waste such a smile on chickens. So it's true that there are still chicken coops in Ein Yaakov, not far from the complex, but the big advantage here is the privacy.
We enter one of the two suite complexes, which are far enough away from the hosts' house.
4 steps and we are on the balcony of one of the suites with a covered entrance facing the pool. Another step and we are inside. A single space in shades of cream, a high ceiling and a parquet-like floor greet us, and everything feels (and smells) very clean and well-maintained. The two suites are identical in their pleasant, solid design, and differ only in the touches. The pool in the Avia suite is covered with an elaborate modular roof.
There's a jacuzzi, a fireplace for winter days, a kitchenette, a dining area and a living room, a bright bathroom the size of my daughter's room, but mostly there's the touch of Gadi's hand. And the hand never stops caressing furniture that's already shiny from cleaning and removing imaginary dust. "I'm a perfectionist," he says, "I don't trust anyone to clean like I do," and I think that's a net benefit to the guests.
A quick check on Wikipedia revealed that Israel ranks 33rd in the world in terms of density. There are 354.38 people per square kilometer (who the hell is the 0.38?!), and that's without the tourists from France in the summer. A private vacation? Either in Australia or in places that really understand what privacy is, like the romantic B&Bs at "Ahuzat Gad." By the way, on the way out I'm surprised to discover that a car is parked next to the suite next door. I didn't hear or feel any neighbors throughout the entire visit, and that perhaps says it all.
What’s on the site?
ארוחת בוקר משובחת, בקבוק יין, צלחת פירות העונה, עוגיות, מים מינרליים, בר משקאות, שוקולדים, הפתעות נוספות.
תמרוקים יוקרתיים, חלוקים ונעלי בית.
ע"פ החוק, ניתן לבטל את ההזמנה בתוך 14 יום מיום עשיית העסקה, בתנאי שהעסקה נעשתה לפחות 7 ימי עבודה לפני מועד מתן השירות. אם העסקה נעשתה "ברגע האחרון", כלומר פחות מ-7 ימים לפני מועד מתן השירות, זכות הביטול היא כקבוע בטופס אישור ההזמנה אשר ישלח ע"י בעל הצימר. אם ביטל הצרכן את העסקה בתוך המועד של 14 יום ועמד בתנאי הביטול, ישלם דמי ביטול של 5% מערך העסקה, או 100 ₪, הנמוך מביניהם.
Terms of cancellation:
Cancellation 3 days or less from the day of accommodation, the guest will be charged 100% of the cost of accommodation
Cancellation 4-7 days from the day of accommodation, the guest will be charged 50% of the cost of accommodation
Cancellation 8 days or more from the date of accommodation without charge