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Or Berashit

Or Berashit

Amirim • Upper Galilee • 2 B&B's
Rank on website:
23 Review
Suited for: Couples
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Amirim - Upper Galilee
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2 B&B's
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053-9368771 Shalom
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Review •

שקט, חורש, בריכה פרטית ונוף לקינוח...

We liked it
Good location in Amirim
Well designed cabins, cozy and surrounded by woods
A heated pool in each cabin with complete privacy
Professional and welcoming hosts
Very attractive prices in relation to the level of accommodation
We noticed that
The cabins are located at the end of a flight of stairs leading to them

"הטלפון של שלום מצלצל בפעם השביעית בחצי השעה האחרונה, והוא עונה בלבביות, ששמורה אצלי לחברים קרובים. "זה דודי – האורח של מחר" הוא מסביר לי וכבר רץ לקבל את האורחים של היום. הוא רץ ואני נזכר בטיפ שקיבלתי פעם על בחירת מסעדות: לכו למקום שיושבים בו הרבה אנשים. כנראה שיש לזה סיבה."

[מתוך דבר המבקר, יאיר שיינברג]

Location and ambience

בשלוש מילים:
יש סיבה לפופולריות

ב-332 מילים:
גם בלי להכיר אתכם אישית, אני מוכן להמר שרובכם כבר נכוותם ממקומות שהבטיחו נוף ושכחו להוסיף "לכביש המהיר"... בואו נודה רגע על האמת: כשמדובר באינפורמציה על צימרים, אתם נוטים להיות, איך נאמר בעדינות – סקפטיים. האמת? לא מאשים אתכם.

יש סיכוי סביר שגם לי לא לגמרי תאמינו כשאספר לכם על 'אור בראשית' באמירים (למרות שאני באמת בחור ישר – שאלו את אמא שלי). זה בסדר, אתם לא חייבים להאמין לי או לשלום, בעל הצימר. תאמינו לאורחים האחרים שפשוט מתים על המקום הזה.

"אז מתי אפשר לבוא לראות את הבקתות?" אני שואל את שלום, והוא מתנצל: "מבקתה אחת עדיין לא יצאו האורחים, השניה בניקיונות אחרי האורחים שיצאו ולשלישית נכנסים אורחים חדשים עוד 5 דקות..." כמי שרואה לא מעט צימרים ריקים אני בהחלט מתפעל, וכשסוף סוף נמצאת חצי שעת צימר פנויה (לזוג אחד פשוט היה פנצ'ר בכביש 6), אני סקרן לגלות את סוד ההצלחה.

אני מטפס במדרגות אל המתחם הממוקם בחלקו העליון של המושב היפה ומוצא שלוש בקתות עץ שונות זו מזו במבנה, בפסיליטי'ז וברמת הפרטיות. התחתונה מציעה חדר נוסף ונוף מטורף אל הכינרת והגליל, אך ממוקמת קרוב יותר לבית המארחים ולרחוב.

השתיים העליונות נושקות לחורש ומציעות תחושת אינטימיות נעימה (במיוחד ב'בקתה הרומנטית'), ולא פחות חשוב: מרפסות 'דק' עם בריכות שכשוך מחוממות ונוף. בכולן ניתן למצוא ג'קוזי, קמין (עץ אמיתי), מכונת אספרסו וקו עיצובי המשלב בעדינות עץ ואבן.

פינות ישיבה יפות שקועות בנישות החלון העמוקות ועבודות ויטראז' מקוריות של דבי – המארחת, צובעות את האור הנכנס פנימה (אל תחמיצו ביקור בסטודיו שלה – תחת בית המארחים). מחפשים עיצוב 'מודרני' יותר? תמצאו אותו בגוונים הבהירים של 'הבקתה לאוהבים'.

בימים בהם כולם מחפשים את 'הטרנד הבא' ומתחרים על גודל הטלוויזיה, פה מרשימה אותי דווקא המקצועיות והנאמנות לקלאסיקה כפרית במובן הטוב של הביטוי. מסתבר שכשעושים דברים כמו שצריך זה פשוט עובד.

הטלפון של שלום מצלצל בפעם השביעית בחצי השעה האחרונה, והוא עונה בלבביות, ששמורה אצלי לחברים קרובים. "זה דודי – האורח של מחר" הוא מסביר לי וכבר רץ לקבל את האורחים של היום. הוא רץ ואני נזכר בטיפ שקיבלתי פעם על בחירת מסעדות: לכו למקום שיושבים בו הרבה אנשים. כנראה שיש לזה סיבה.

What does the place include

The romantic cabin of 'Or Bereshit' deserves the name they chose for it. It is located in the upper part of the complex and is slightly hidden in the natural grove that provides it with pleasant intimacy.

A door made of colored stained glass (made by the hands of Debbie, the host) leads to a classic wooden cabin built as one spacious space, which includes a round stone-covered jacuzzi, a wood-burning fireplace and a designed living room corner, part of which is sunk into a deep window niche. A sliding door to a beautiful and very private 'thin' balcony, which adjoins a natural forest. On the balcony there is a heated and round pool with a diameter of 4 m.

The cabin for lovers' is also located in the upper part of the 'Or Berashit' complex. At the entrance to the cabin is a large 'thin' balcony, overlooking the view, with a 5m rectangular heated pool and a refreshing outdoor shower (hot and cold water)

The interior of the cabin is made of one space, painted in light and soft tones, and a high roof gives a pleasant sense of space. The space is divided into two areas, where in the sleeping area you can find a wide double bed, facing an LCD screen, and next to it a round double Jacuzzi covered in stone. Next to the kitchen - dining area and living room. In the corner, a wood-burning fireplace awaits for the winter.

You should know
  • הבקתות במתחם שונות זו מזו בגודל, בעיצוב ובנוף
  • הבקתה התחתונה (הסוויטה הקסומה) ממוקמת קרוב יותר לבית המארחים ולרחוב (פנימי) אך מציעה חדר נוסף ונוף מרהיב אל הכינרת והגליל.
  • שתי הבקתות העליונות נושקות לחורש ומציעות תחושת אינטימיות נעימה (במיוחד ב'בקתה הרומנטית') ובנוסף מרפסות 'דק' עם בריכות שכשוך פרטיות מחוממות ונוף. (בבקתה לאוהבים הפרטיות מהבריכה חלקית).
  • התחזוקה במקום גבוהה ומושמת תשומת לב רבה לפרטים.
  • דבי, המארחת, היא אמנית ויטראז'. ניתן לבקר בסטודיו שלה וגם לקבל סדנאות
We left with a feeling of

Shalom's phone rings for the seventh time in the last half hour, and he answers with a cordiality, which I reserve for close friends. "This is my uncle - tomorrow's guest" he explains to me and is already running to receive today's guests. He runs and I remember a tip I once received about choosing restaurants: go to a place where a lot of people are sitting. There's probably a reason for that.

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We recommend: 2 of 2

The Romantic Cabin

B&B One of this type
Up to 2 Guests
48 M²
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The Lovers Cabin

B&B One of this type
Up to 2 Guests
48 M²
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Surfers ranking
23 Review
  • Cleanliness
  • 9.55
  • Maintenance
  • 9.70
  • Facilities
  • 9.56
  • The hosts’ attitude
  • 9.77
  • Privacy level
  • 9.52
  • Indulgent refreshments
  • 9.56
  • The breakfast
  • 9.53
  • General level of satisfaction
  • 9.86
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ben 133
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Stayed in unit: The Romantic Cabin
The best experience!
If you know Amirim, then you already know what an amazing place it is! And how impressive the view to the Kinneret is! But the experience is just beginning. The service we received was outstanding! My wife, who was at the beginning of her pregnancy, felt a little unwell, and they immediately came and helped with everything we asked for, with lots of patience! The unit itself is charming and suitable for anyone who likes the rustic look, everything is made of wood, very clean and very well thought out and in addition, there is a balcony/deck with a small pool to cool off on hot summer days... in short, a great place!!!
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יוני כסלו
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Stayed in unit: The Lovers Cabin
A pampering vacation
We went on a short vacation between exams (students) and we couldn't have asked for a better place. Dealing with Shalom is comfortable and positive, these are lovely hosts. The B&B is amazingly designed, which allows you to simply take a breath and relax - whether it's with coffee in front of the amazing view, in the pool or in the pampering (and big!) Jacuzzi. Also, the place is very clean and tidy. In the vicinity there are many nice places to walk or just sit and drink coffee. One of the mornings (we stayed in the cabin for 2 nights) we ordered breakfast - a delicious, satisfying and nutritious meal. I ordered the vegan omelette and decided to enjoy it. In short, highly recommended.
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idan 8388
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Stayed in unit: The Romantic Cabin
A dream B&B
We were in the romantic cabin, it was amazing to the extent that words will not be enough, of course beyond the fact that it is a different experience for each person, for us it met all the requirements and the feeling is that we were in a sweet dream. 1. The perfect privacy - there is a small view of the Sea of Galilee and the mountains from the balcony but most of it is surrounded by trees so the privacy was just perfect. 2. The silence....... Oh the silence, how amazing, you sit on the balcony and hear the sounds of the yitzaborbels rustling in the wind and it's really music for the soul, after coming from a place like Tel Aviv where everything is noise and chaos, there is nothing that compares to this silence. 3. The beauty of the place - how beautiful this cabin is... the main door is made of colored glass so that when you wake up, the sun comes in through the door and the floor becomes colorful and the smooth cabin glows, a feeling we haven't encountered in any B&B, amazing. The cabin is designed in the most comfortable way, it is impossible to describe. 4. Huge Jacuzzi! - My husband and I are long haha and this jacuzzi was just perfect, also new and clean. 5. The pool was really clean, although the water is frozen even at the height of the heat... but for those who like it, amazing, also big. 6. A balcony big enough to relax on the sofa and cook on the fire (vegan of course) 7. The cabin equipment - there is no need to bring too many things from the kitchen, everything you need is there. 8. Responding to requirements - the owner of the place is simply amazing, everything we asked for, he always answered happily and quickly, the woman is also charming but we rarely encountered her.. as we said... privacy !! 9. Even the shower was big (relatively), which we didn't expect, we could have showered together :) We don't have a single complaint, and what's more, we've been to several B&Bs in the north, and this one is by far the best in every way.
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Stayed in unit: The Lovers Cabin
A magical vacation

The vacation at Zimmer Or Berashit was dreamy, in a magical atmosphere. The B&B is large and spacious with a homely and warm atmosphere, a lot of attention has been paid to the small items, clean and a special design. Fully equipped kitchen, fun private pool, isolated. Recommends to anyone looking for peace, quiet and peace of mind. Owners - Shalom and Debbie are generous and open, they were available for any question and at any moment we asked. And the price is very affordable. We will definitely go back there.

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Stayed in unit: The Romantic Cabin
The perfect vacation

My husband and I were looking for a guesthouse with a private pool to celebrate Rosh Hashanah and my birthday at a reasonable price. We found the Zimmer "Or Bereshit" and were favorably impressed by the photos on the website and the telephone conversation with Shalom the owner. When we arrived at the B&B, we realized that it was far beyond what we expected - both in terms of the beauty of the place, the privacy and the little treats that Debbie left for us. We had a perfect 3 day vacation! Highly recommended for those looking for a pampering B&B with perfect privacy and view, at a reasonable price!

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ניר ושני
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Stayed in unit: The Magic Cabin
An amazing marriage proposal in the magical cabin!

Already in the first phone conversation with Shalom, I understood that this was going to be an exciting and enjoyable experience. We planned together how to surprise my partner with an unforgettable and surprising marriage proposal, and so it was. Shalom was a partner in the preparations and made sure to fulfill my requests, and so it turned out that she told me - yes!
The Zimmer is located in a breathtaking view, on the Galilee mountains. The treats of the guest house, the jacuzzi, the private pool and Debbie's delicious cookies were beyond expectations! The magical cabin of Shalom and Debbie as its name is!

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מעיין 123568
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Stayed in unit: The Lovers Cabin
The perfect vacation

A weekend of hospitality experience that we had not been to until we arrived at "Or Bereshit", the zimmer is invested and includes attention to all the smallest details.
Generous treats (in the B&B itself), a rich and varied breakfast.
The personal and warm attitude - beyond all our expectations.
We received recommendations on restaurants in the area which were indeed excellent.
An amazing view and an even better Zimmer, for the first time we felt that there was real value for the price!!
Hope to come back soon :)

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Stayed in unit: The Lovers Cabin
Or Bershit - the cabin for lovers - opinions

"Time to start over
Time to grow roots
and stop running in circles"

Zimmer 'Or Berashit', managed by Debi and Shalom, is located in Moshav Amirim in the Upper Galilee.
Upon our arrival at the B&B, it seems that we have moved to the parallel universe that every person should visit from time to time;
To get out of the city, away from the skyscrapers and the noise of the cars and start from scratch, in connection with the land and nature. with love.
Beyond the magical view, also the initial meeting with the hosts - Debi and Shalom, left us with a warm and pleasant feeling that we have arrived at a place where we will be answered with a smile and courtesy, at any given moment and for any question.

We stayed in the lover's cabin, a wooden cabin with a unique design by the dear host Debbie, who is also a stained glass and glass artist, and by the way, you can also make coordinated visits to her studio.
Before entering the cabin, you can't miss the sign hanging at the entrance 'Love your neighbor like you' and other small works made with full attention by Debi.
It is a wooden cabin, clean and beautiful, designed in a homey and warm style, and it is noticeable that we have thought about all the small details, starting with a movie library, a booklet of recommendations for nearby sites and places of entertainment, an instruction booklet for operating the fireplace and jacuzzi, a coffee machine and of course the kitchen that has everything - every necessary kitchen utensil, milk , coffee and tea, cutlery and sauce - cookies and jam made by Debbie.

In the room there is a spacious and comfortable double bed, a warm and bright living room with a fireplace, a cozy sitting area, TV and DVD, a pampering Jacuzzi, a closet for robes and towels and even blankets if someone feels like another blanket. Outside the room there is another sitting area where it is mostly used in the mornings and this is how I started the day - a cup of coffee, Debbie's cookies and morning reflections in front of a Galilean mountain view and a view of the Sea of Galilee. The incomparable silence is there and it is wonderful, it is pleasant and bright and so true.
Apart from the quiet, the view and the sitting area, there is a heated pool that you can enter at any time (even at night!). To maintain its cleanliness, the pool is covered with a cover that is easy to remove and put back and enjoy at any time a bath in a warm pool wrapped in pastoral and quiet next to the homely and pleasant cabin for lovers.

When you need to take a break from life, from the lights of the volume and the buildings of the city
To return to Genesis, to the roots, nature and love
Pick up the phone to 'Or Berashit' managed by Shalom and Debi.
Come with a smile, enjoyment is guaranteed.

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חופשת ספא וטיפולים - "חלומות"
Private jacuzzi in the unit
What is included in the hosting?

בקבוק יין, סלסלת פירות, שוקולדים, חלב, יוגורטים, מים מינרליים, עוגיות, קרקרים, ריבה ועוד...

Check-in and check-out times
Check in on all week days at 15:00
Check out on all week days at 12:00
House rules

ע"פ החוק, ניתן לבטל את ההזמנה בתוך 14 יום מיום עשיית העסקה, בתנאי שהעסקה נעשתה לפחות 7 ימי עבודה לפני מועד מתן השירות. 
ביטול או דחייה: 72 שעות לפני ההגעה או אי הגעה, יחויב המזמין בתשלום מלא.
(אנו מבטיחים לעשות את כל המאמצים למצוא אורחים במקומכם, אם הצלחנו, לא נחייב)

Cancellation terms
No cancellation fees : 8 Days or more From date of visit.
Cancellation fees : 100% From the booking price, Cancellation in process 7 Days or less From date of visit.

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