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קטגוריה מחיר
Deluxe B&B vacation rentals with a private, heated pool
Deluxe B&B vacation rentals with a Jacuzzi Spa
Deluxe B&B vacation rentals for the religious
Deluxe B&B vacation rentals- Dogs friendly
Deluxe B&B vacation rentals with access for the handicapped
Isolated deluxe B&B vacation rentals
Deluxe B&B vacation rentals with a view
For families
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Deluxe B&B vacation rentals with a private, heated pool
indoor swimming pool
Deluxe B&B vacation rentals with access for the handicapped
B&B vacation rentals with private Hot Tub
Deluxe B&B vacation rentals for the religious
Deluxe B&B vacation rentals with a view
Deluxe B&B vacation rentals- Dogs friendly
Isolated deluxe B&B vacation rentals
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Luxurious, deluxe B&B vacation rentals
Especially romantic, deluxe B&B vacation rentals
B&B vacation rentals that offer a panoramic view
Isolated place
B&B vacation rentals next to the sea
B&B vacation rentals with Vegan hospitality
Deluxe B&B vacation rentals with body treatments
Secluded B&B vacation rentals
Isolated deluxe B&B vacation rentals
Must-have treats
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Deluxe B&B vacation rentals with a private, heated pool
indoor swimming pool
B&B vacation rentals with private swimming pool
Deluxe B&B vacation rentals with swimming pool
B&B vacation rentals with private Hot Tub
Ecological, deluxe B&B vacation rentals
B&B vacation rentals with heated pool
Deluxe B&B vacation rentals with a Jacuzzi Spa
Deluxe B&B vacation rentals with a fireplace
Deluxe B&B vacation rentals with a sauna
B&B vacation rentals with wet saunas
Design and atmosphere
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Deluxe B&B vacation rentals in a special design
Suited for
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Deluxe B&B vacation rental accommodation for groups of friends
Special occasions
Deluxe B&B vacation rentals with access for the handicapped
Deluxe B&B vacation rentals for the religious
Deluxe B&B vacation rentals- Dogs friendly
Deluxe B&B vacation rentals for movie lovers
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Deluxe B&B vacation rental accommodation:new to the website
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B&b's - dog's friendly at the golan heights

Pnina Bagolan
The Golan Heights and the Hermon
Had Nes
2 Guest units
New on the site
Available Options
Available Options

טל ובר

Starting from
₪820 Per night
  • 40 M²
  • 1 Bedrooms
  • Up to 5 Guests
  • Deluxe B&B vacation rentals with a view
  • Deluxe B&B vacation rentals with body treatments
  • Deluxe B&B vacation rentals with a sauna
  • Deluxe B&B vacation rentals- Dogs friendly
  • Deluxe B&B vacation rental accommodation for groups of friends

רותם ובן

Starting from
₪910 Per night
  • 48 M²
  • 2 Bedrooms
  • Up to 7 Guests
  • Deluxe B&B vacation rentals with a view
  • Deluxe B&B vacation rentals with body treatments
  • Deluxe B&B vacation rentals with a sauna
  • Deluxe B&B vacation rentals- Dogs friendly
  • Deluxe B&B vacation rental accommodation for groups of friends


Starting from
₪1,850 Per night
  • 100 M²
  • 3 Bedrooms
  • Up to 9 Guests
  • Deluxe B&B vacation rentals with a view
  • Deluxe B&B vacation rentals with body treatments
  • Deluxe B&B vacation rentals with a sauna
  • Deluxe B&B vacation rentals- Dogs friendly
  • Deluxe B&B vacation rental accommodation for groups of friends

כליל החורש

Starting from
₪1,000 Per night
  • 48 M²
  • 1 Bedrooms
  • Up to 5 Guests
  • Deluxe B&B vacation rentals with a view
  • Deluxe B&B vacation rentals with body treatments
  • Deluxe B&B vacation rentals- Dogs friendly
  • Deluxe B&B vacation rental accommodation for groups of friends
  • Special occasions

צל תמר

Starting from
₪1,750 Per night
  • 80 M²
  • 2 Bedrooms
  • Up to 9 Guests
  • Deluxe B&B vacation rentals with a view
  • Deluxe B&B vacation rentals with body treatments
  • Deluxe B&B vacation rentals- Dogs friendly
  • Deluxe B&B vacation rental accommodation for groups of friends
  • Special occasions

Full Info

לחצו כאן
When is your vacation?
Book a place 053-9384484
Hazimmer Hayarok Vehadom
The Golan Heights and the Hermon
Maale Gamla
13 Review
Available Options
Available Options

הצימר האדום

Starting from
₪890 Per night
  • 42 M²
  • 1 Bedrooms
  • Up to 3 Guests
  • Deluxe B&B vacation rentals- Dogs friendly
  • Deluxe B&B vacation rentals in a special design

הצימר הירוק

Starting from
₪890 Per night
  • 42 M²
  • 1 Bedrooms
  • Up to 3 Guests
  • Deluxe B&B vacation rentals- Dogs friendly
  • Deluxe B&B vacation rentals in a special design

Full Info

לחצו כאן
When is your vacation?
Book a place 053-6223371
Places that partially match your search located in the desired settlement/region
Zimmer Boutique Harimon
The Golan Heights and the Hermon
Maale Gamla
One guest unit
45 Review
Available Options
Available Options


Starting from
₪2,500 Per night
  • 80 M²
  • 3 Bedrooms
  • Up to 8 Guests
  • Isolated deluxe B&B vacation rentals
  • Open view from inside the unit
  • Deluxe B&B vacation rentals with only one unit in the building

אירוח זוגי אמצ"ש

Starting from
₪1,500 Per night
  • 3 Bedrooms
  • Up to 3 Guests
  • Isolated deluxe B&B vacation rentals
  • Open view from inside the unit
  • Deluxe B&B vacation rentals with only one unit in the building

ארוח זוגי בסופ"ש

Starting from
₪1,500 Per night
  • 3 Bedrooms
  • Up to 2 Guests
  • Deluxe B&B vacation rentals with only one unit in the building
  • Deluxe B&B vacation rentals with a private, heated pool
  • B&B vacation rentals with private Hot Tub
  • B&B vacation rentals that offer a panoramic view
  • Isolated place

Full Info

לחצו כאן
When is your vacation?
Book a place 053-4008756
Little Europe
The Golan Heights and the Hermon
Had Nes
2 Guest units
354 Review
Available Options
Available Options


Starting from
₪800 Per night
  • 40 M²
  • Up to 3 Guests
  • Deluxe B&B vacation rentals with a private, heated pool
  • Deluxe B&B vacation rentals recommended by Internet surfers
  • Especially romantic, deluxe B&B vacation rentals

Full Info

לחצו כאן
When is your vacation?
Book a place 053-4872717
The Golan Heights and the Hermon
Maale Gamla
One guest unit
17 Review
Available Options
Available Options

יורט 1

Starting from
₪900 Per night
  • 48 M²
  • 1 Bedrooms
  • Up to 2 Guests
  • Deluxe B&B vacation rentals- exclusive to our website
  • B&B vacation rentals with private swimming pool
  • B&B vacation rentals with private Hot Tub
  • Especially romantic, deluxe B&B vacation rentals
  • Culinary vacation

יורט 2

Starting from
₪900 Per night
  • 48 M²
  • 1 Bedrooms
  • Up to 2 Guests
  • Deluxe B&B vacation rentals- exclusive to our website
  • B&B vacation rentals with private swimming pool
  • Especially romantic, deluxe B&B vacation rentals
  • Culinary vacation
  • Deluxe B&B vacation rental accommodation for groups of friends

Full Info

לחצו כאן
When is your vacation?
Book a place 053-9369606
Guests share their experiences:
The Golan Heights and the Hermon
Had Nes
2 Guest units
191 Review
Available Options
Available Options


Starting from
₪800 Per night
  • 50 M²
  • Up to 5 Guests
  • Deluxe B&B vacation rentals with a private, heated pool
  • Deluxe B&B vacation rentals recommended by Internet surfers
  • Especially romantic, deluxe B&B vacation rentals
  • Deluxe B&B vacation rental accommodation for groups of friends

Full Info

לחצו כאן
When is your vacation?
Book a place 053-9387379
Bratmans - Couples Only
The Golan Heights and the Hermon
Had Nes
One guest unit
272 Review
Available Options
Available Options

הסוויטה "הלבנה"

Starting from
₪1,600 Per night
  • 40 M²
  • Up to 2 Guests
  • Deluxe B&B vacation rentals- exclusive to our website
  • Deluxe B&B vacation rentals with a view
  • Deluxe B&B vacation rentals with a private, heated pool
  • B&B vacation rentals with private Hot Tub
  • Especially romantic, deluxe B&B vacation rentals


Starting from
₪1,600 Per night
  • 55 M²
  • Up to 2 Guests
  • Deluxe B&B vacation rentals- exclusive to our website
  • Deluxe B&B vacation rentals with a view
  • Deluxe B&B vacation rentals with a private, heated pool
  • B&B vacation rentals with private Hot Tub
  • Especially romantic, deluxe B&B vacation rentals

הסוויטה "השחורה"

Starting from
₪1,600 Per night
  • 40 M²
  • 1 Bedrooms
  • Up to 2 Guests
  • Deluxe B&B vacation rentals- exclusive to our website
  • Deluxe B&B vacation rentals with a view
  • Deluxe B&B vacation rentals with a private, heated pool
  • B&B vacation rentals with private Hot Tub
  • Especially romantic, deluxe B&B vacation rentals

Full Info

לחצו כאן
When is your vacation?
Book a place 053-9384457
The Golan Heights and the Hermon
Had Nes
2 Guest units
481 Review
Available Options
Available Options

בקתת ירדן | חן

Starting from
₪900 Per night
  • 45 M²
  • Up to 2 Guests
  • Deluxe B&B vacation rentals with a view
  • Deluxe B&B vacation rentals with a sauna
  • Especially romantic, deluxe B&B vacation rentals
  • Deluxe B&B vacation rental accommodation for groups of friends


Starting from
₪900 Per night
  • 60 M²
  • Up to 2 Guests
  • Deluxe B&B vacation rentals with a view
  • Deluxe B&B vacation rentals with a sauna
  • Especially romantic, deluxe B&B vacation rentals
  • Deluxe B&B vacation rental accommodation for groups of friends

Full Info

לחצו כאן
When is your vacation?
Book a place 053-9429788
Ma'ale Hashahar couples only
The Golan Heights and the Hermon
Maale Gamla
One guest unit
49 Review
Available Options
Available Options


Starting from
₪900 Per night
  • 40 M²
  • 1 Bedrooms
  • Up to 2 Guests
  • Deluxe B&B vacation rentals- exclusive to our website
  • B&B vacation rentals that offer a panoramic view
  • Especially romantic, deluxe B&B vacation rentals
  • Deluxe B&B vacation rentals with a fireplace


Starting from
₪900 Per night
  • 40 M²
  • 1 Bedrooms
  • Up to 2 Guests
  • Deluxe B&B vacation rentals- exclusive to our website
  • B&B vacation rentals that offer a panoramic view
  • Especially romantic, deluxe B&B vacation rentals
  • Deluxe B&B vacation rentals with a fireplace

Full Info

לחצו כאן
When is your vacation?
Book a place 053-9429786
What our visitors say
Hazimmer Hayarok Vehadom The Golan Heights and the Hermon - Maale Gamla - B&BB&b's - dog's friendly at the golan heights
Two cabins with a unique design, with a pleasant wading pool surrounded by vegetation, all combined with local materials and without a single piece of plastic - in the green and red B&B lie secrets that are fun to discover
Lihiyot Im Hateva The Golan Heights and the Hermon - Naot Golan - B&BB&b's - dog's friendly at the golan heights
Have you ever had a chance to vacation in an isolated cabin in the Golan with a tent next to it? "Living with nature" is a wonderful combination of complete privacy alongside infinite spaces. So if the only thing you want to hear is the birds chirping, you've come to the right place.
Liora's Heaven The Golan Heights and the Hermon - Had Nes - B&BB&b's - dog's friendly at the golan heights
Sometimes a short look at the object is enough to know: yes, or no. This is true in love, and in other areas. In this case, it wasn't just the look that did it for me, but mostly the atmosphere. the feeling The energy that this romantic B&B, "Leora's Paradise" transmits to those who come through its doors. A large part of this feeling is due to the person accompanying me here - Leora, who takes the art of hospitality to a very personal place, to a kind of almost "motherly" concern for the guest's needs, which is a very right place for us.
Ha'ahuza | The Estate The Golan Heights and the Hermon - Had Nes - B&b's - dog's friendly at the golan heights
"...סוף סוף אחוזה אמיתית, אני אומרת לעצמי. לא כמעט, לא כאילו ולא ליד. כן, הגודל כן משנה. וכאן, במתחם היפהפה הזה, הבנוי אבן והיושב על טראסות, ישנו כל מה שצריך על מנת להינות מהשפע שרק אחוזות יודעות לתת: מתחמים שונים עם שימושים שונים ומגוונים ושפע של אפשרויות..."מתוך דבר המבקרת, קרן אור יניב]יתרונות וחסרונות- סקירה מהשטחאני נוסעת בכבישים הצרים והמפותלים, מאחורי ולמטה המים הנוצצים של הכינרת, ומצדדי פזורות ערימות של אבני בזלת שמתגלגלות להן על האדמה. כן, אני ברמת הגולן. נוף כמעט ירחי מלווה אותי עד לחד-נס.
Bashan, Eruach Bagolan The Golan Heights and the Hermon - Maale Gamla - B&BB&b's - dog's friendly at the golan heights
Nira and Eyal have built romantic B&B vacation rentals with a panoramic view of the Sea of Galilee.  Luxurious wood cabins designed with love by Ayal, an iron and metal work artist, and decorated in style by NIra.  When we arrived, she was scattering flower petals and leaves on the bed.  This vacation unit has a swimming pool, an open fview, a personal touch and tons of inspiration.
XENIA The Golan Heights and the Hermon - Kela Alon - Raven Cliff - B&BB&b's - dog's friendly at the golan heights
..."אז ככה: יצא לנו לבדוק כבר מאות סוויטות, עם ג'קוזי, בריכות, LCD בגודל שלא נגמר והמצאות נוספות.  אך מביני דבר רבים יודעים כי את חווית האירוח לא מודדים בגודל ה lcd. באכסניה, נראה כי המארחים יודעים מה חשוב באמת... התחלנו את הביקור במקום עם משהו קטן שהכין המארח שהנו שף (מתברר שגאון) לכבודנו וסיפק לנו טעימה מחווית האירוח המיוחדת כאן.  רביולי גבינת עיזים ביתית עם קרם חצילים מעושן...פשוט מעולה"[מתוך דבר המבקרת- קרן אור יניב]יתרונות וחסרונות- סקירה מהשטח:נו, אז הבנתם כבר- כאן לא תקבלו חוות דעת סטנדרטית על גדלים של מיטות, סוג הג'קוזי וכמה רחוקים השכנים, אלא תקבלו חווית אירוח שתשאיר אתכם "מפונקים". כי מי שמזמין את אחת משתי הסוויטות כאן, לא מזמין צימר. מזמינים כאן חווית אירוח מוקפדת ואיכותית, עם ארוחות שף מדהימות מבית מדרשו של "השף היושב". שימו את זה במתחם שכולו אווירה, שירות צמוד, הקפדה על פרטים ופינוקים קטנים שמחכים בצימר- ותקבלו אירוח בסגנון אחר, מפתיע ומיוחד.אז לעבודה: עשינו תחקיר קטן על הקונספט שבנו כאן המארחים: אירוח קולינרי של טעמים ופינוקים. אחד האורחים היטיב לתאר את החוויה הקולינרית (כתב כך):
Pnina Bagolan The Golan Heights and the Hermon - Had Nes - B&BB&b's - dog's friendly at the golan heights
"..."After all, for the most part, life is pretty good, I have to admit. But when I met Pnina and Aryeh - the hosts of "Pnina in the Golan" - I realized that everything is relative. Because who among us doesn't want to leave everything one day and travel the world? So there you have it, they really did it. They left their jobs, a beautiful and spacious house and started to really - but really - live. They move between countries, gain experiences, meet new people of all kinds and stay in lots of places. They brought the insights they gained from the places they stayed with them to this special complex. The result is a large resort estate, but not too large, 7 beautiful suites built with a lot of attention, made of solid wood, and all facing a large, heated pool, built in a beautiful inner courtyard that contains, among other things, a professional outdoor kitchen with a BBQ smoker, a spa complex, sauna and treatments, and leisure activities that make you want to get out of the suite for a bit..." [From the reviewer, Alon Schwartzman] Advantages and disadvantages - a review from the field Those who come to "Penina Begalan" and are looking for privacy can get it between the wooden beams of the cabin. Because here the concept is different: the outdoor area of the suites simply "asks" guests to enjoy the idea of spending time together. True, you can simply sit on the balcony and look out over what is happening, and you can actually take an active part in what is happening around you. This is a large vacation estate, but not too large, one that appeals to a quality audience that knows how to appreciate a good place, as well as to groups of friends who can take the entire complex.
Kesem BaGolan The Golan Heights and the Hermon - Had Nes - B&BB&b's - dog's friendly at the golan heights
What I liked about "Magic in the Golan" is the feeling that this place, in the way it was designed, connects those staying there to go through a shared experience. I was able to really imagine how a group of good friends or a large family gathers here, in the central complex, someone jumps into the pool water, two cute people are in charge of the fire, someone makes coffee in the outdoor kitchen and I'm in the middle, joining the one who produces the most attractive attraction :)
Shnei Shavlulim The Golan Heights and the Hermon - Aniam - B&BB&b's - dog's friendly at the golan heights alignment with the local basalt rocks 'growing' from the ground (in the first line of the view) two twin and connected suites built from the same basalt itself. I don't envy the person who had to collect these rocks and build from them, but I have to admit that he succeeded... the unhewn stone creates a different look than anything I've seen in the B&Bs"... [From the words of the critic, Yair Sheinberg]
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הצעת מקום אירוח לשעת חירום
B&b's - dog's friendly at the golan heights
Romantic, deluxe B&B's for couples -dogs friendly Luxurious, romantic deluxe B&B vacation rental accommodation in the Golan Heights

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